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Chapter 10 Run for your life

Word Count: 1034    |    Released on: 05/08/2023

pinning. Everyone was screaming. In

I felt the vomit rise in my throat. I had to get out. I had to get awa

e front door–until fresh air hit my face. I fell onto my hands and knees, unable to hold back the acidic bu

ing quickened and my body felt paralyzed. A hot searing pain travelled up my skin and s

to leave my lips. My vision blurred with a red hue, a watery fog washing ov

I couldn't recognize any distinguishable features but what I did see was their suspended figure in the air

gone and I lost consciousne

of leather shoes just inches away from my face. I g

a bright light in my eyes as I glanced up to stare at him. I raised my hand to block t

lass doors leading back into the house at a man dressed in

e bright light said, gripping m

he direction of the garage. My heart jolted as he opened the door and led

s as the memory of him

eck in an unearthly position, glass sticking out of his skin, blood running from

reathing echo


t breathe

ing against the wall, I gripped my chest. The room was spinning and I had a slow ache massa

ruggled to speak as the air trapp

s to know if anyone saw anything or anyone do anything," the man spoke. I took the opportunity to observe his black attire.

meant," I told him after a deep brea

parents involved eith

my eyes as they began to fall. I wasn't very good at grief and I wasn't entirely sure what was

other everyone was screaming! I don't know anything! I just want to go home. Plea

who was at the party tonight, regardless if you say shit or not," the man shou

d of his voice but I d

I let him drag me to my feet before I striked. Clenching

hroat as his face became extremely

a?" I said groggily, my voice altered from cry. A

dly into the unknown, feeling deep within my bones that it was safer than running down the driveway. Though t

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