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Chapter 5 The rude prince

Word Count: 626    |    Released on: 04/07/2023

ut the land for his arrogance, rudeness, and disregard for others. Sebastian believed that his royal sta

She was a kind and gentle soul, known for her compassion and generosity. Amelia had a radian

arrogance. But to his surprise, Amelia did not cower or show any signs

ess and arrogance," Amelia said calmly. "But I beli

him like that before. He felt a strange mix of anger and intrigue. De

the joy she brought to others through her acts of kindness and realized the emptiness of his o

living. She taught him the value of empathy, compassion, and respe

concerns and needs of his people, working to improve their lives and make the kingdom a better place. Sebastian even took

Eldoria were amazed at the change they witnessed. They saw a ruler who genuin

nd unwavering belief in his potential had opened his eyes to a world beyond his own ego

eign was marked by compassion, fairness, and unity. The kingdom flouri

on showed that even the most arrogant and selfish individuals could find redemption through love and the willingness

l le

e and redemption if they are willing to open their hearts and listen to the needs of others. It also emphasizes the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, as our actions ca

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