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Deadly Desire: A Tale of Love & Betrayal

Chapter 3 Unwelcome Surprises

Word Count: 1033    |    Released on: 07/05/2023

ry, but for them, it was a bur

posing mansion before her. This was Asher's home, the place she would now call her own as h

aged woman with warm, welcoming eyes. It was Maria Rodrigues, the hou

th a friendly smile. "I'm Maria, the housekeeper. W

the surroundings. The marble floors gleamed under the soft glow of the chandeliers, and intricate artwork adorned the w

n need of sleep after a long and hectic day. Her dress was being a nuisance a

a spacious bedroom on the second floor, opening the door to reveal a room that was supposed to

s yours from now on, I hope yo

richly stained wooden furniture, the leather armchair

d with a warm smile. "If you need anything else, do

ousekeeper's kindness. "I think I'll be fine for now, but I'll def

ent to soak in the atmosphere. It was a far cry from the cozy, feminine spaces she was accustomed to. There was a

rniture. She marveled at the attention to detail, the carefully chosen decor that reflected Asher's taste.

sped. There, in front of her, stood Asher, dressed in nothing but a towel.

sabella exclaimed, her voice laced

grazing his face. "I’m about to take a sh

share a room with Asher so soon, if at all. The realization sent a wave of panic through her,

dy stammered, her voice trembling, that too in front of a man who is supposed

an. As husband and wife, you made sure we share everything, our companie

the lock resonating in the small space. She felt a mix of fear and antici

her?" she asked, her vo

t obvious?" he replied, his voice laced with a hint of sarcasm. "We'r

his proximity making her pulse quicken. She tried to maintai

rsonal space," she retorted, her voice steady de

her ear. "Oh, Isabella, haven't you realized yet? Personal space no longer exi

d uncertainty in her gaze. She refused to l

oice carrying a hint of determination. "I may be

in the small bathroom. "Control, wife? Tha

d their implications. She had expected their marriage to be diffi

ght he might stay in his cocoon and never spare a glance

s his e

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