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My Wonderful Boyfriend

Chapter 5 Bloom in Summer(1)

Word Count: 2501    |    Released on: 23/04/2023

i Kuang Li

is was dating me because I

discontinued her studies to rece

found by my roommate somewhere, and comp

ilar to mine, but no matter how I tried,

, radiating endless positivity and s

ned, I thought Josiah and

effortlessly with his every move and gesture. Whenever he c

nt enough to appease a young woman who

he school's anniversary celebration h

and societies for students to join. But for me, I would rather join some Sleeping Cl

re many people who

ool's anniversary celebration, the activity ro

tially, I assumed there would be no one in the room, but I was proven wrong as

is face, and his

the door being pushed ope

low of the sunset cast a warm light on half of his face through the win

, we locked ey

escape from Josiah's gaze. espec

m here to... c

it was me wh

acted his legs that were sprawle

" he r

roublesome to find it. Even though there were a lot of books on

, I saw Josiah propping his chin up in the p

an awkward and w

of making people blush as well

s behaving like that witho

belong to?" he ask

ally, I told him about my class and wa

responding to m

iah Lewis! I'm

ater to think about what had hap

ssibly refuse a handsome

Josiah officially

ation, I discovered he wa

er class, and he would occasionally be mentioned in posts on the an

andsome boy was

g to do with a girl named Tianna

n on, the two of them were almost inseparable, and they were not discreet with their relationship at school. The school

l alone. A number of young ladies were eager to make a move on him, but the

I lamented, "It feels like we're n

bottle of mineral water and took a sip of it. Tidying his hair,

the Coke bottle before me. To be honest, there were many peo

autiful as I

waved a dismissive hand at me with

under his breath, "Why would a de

story between him and me, would end with m

ercise session i

ffle downstairs, one class after another. Coupled with their rowdiness and the exhilarating "Athle

must have stayed up late playing games again. The po

m I was playing games, I actually p

he class I was in, would not be near

d, I spotted a familiar

ot pay attention in class, but they would also cause a racket and confron

r was a pers

someone of importance. What matt

that made it impossible to fo

g among themselves. However, for some strange reason, I ha

Aiden throwing

iah looked in my

eyes was quite light, which always made it seem

, he flashed

into words? His smile was

about other matters while walking further away, I wa

falling behind now. Hu

ted my shoulder that I lifted my f


y impressed

away from each other, both classes happened

Despite the high importance the school placed on science, wh

ned to the teachers' loung

ious. I just did not get it. I was not going to choose the science t

' again! How many times have I repeated this in

r, my thoughts drifted away. Suddenly, I was reminded of

luck my tong

mineral water bottle and place it on my desk. Let's see how many bottles you


rth did sh

her sometimes had

, someone let out a

as quite a fa

wing his eyes at me. However, he soon lost his smug expression becau

tainly an amusin

h right now! I've got to take my hat off to you. You scored worse than some

g to join the arts track!" Jos

t enrolled in our school, your grades we

rying to calm herself down. Somehow, I felt the perso

t it on my desk now. Let's see if you've learne


d already agreed to it readily. After some hesit

o keep up with him. No sooner had I done so than

look at me as though he was wai

for this chemist

to answer th

you?" I aske

ct him to be so gene

t, I was at a

ut you?" Josi


ar a laugh coming

e who is preparing to join the arts track." His voic

ret revealing

going to join the science track,

he first time Jos

as a little surpr

of person who could not re

ed someone's name had likely be

, looked for the same tutor. The tutor felt that our grades were si

saw the person spinning his pen out of boredom,

messy encounters with Josiah, there woul

ther no matter how shy they were with each other at first, not to

te with each other. Facing the same troubles, we were like c

friends. While Josiah had a roguish appearance, for some reason, he sh

so close to Josi

al class. Of course, we'd

checking my reflecti

tiful?" I


d, "Hear me out. Josiah

question. Hearing his wo

ou say so?

I saw him

d in the back row, before continuing, "Th

d my surprise wi

any more e

king a steel pipe? He and

think he's very.

leb without sa

I la

? I'm giving you a kind r


scrap paper. While writing, I added, "Based on my in-depth understanding of Josiah in the p

not say

looking at

des, how do you have the

pt q

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1 Chapter 1 Please Confess Your Love to Me(1)2 Chapter 2 Please Confess Your Love to Me(2)3 Chapter 3 Please Confess Your Love to Me(3)4 Chapter 4 Please Confess Your Love to Me(4)5 Chapter 5 Bloom in Summer(1)6 Chapter 6 Bloom in Summer(2)7 Chapter 7 Bloom in Summer(3)8 Chapter 8 Bloom in Summer(4)9 Chapter 9 Bloom in Summer(5)10 Chapter 10 Bloom in Summer(6)11 Chapter 11 We Share the Same Last Name(1)12 Chapter 12 We Share the Same Last Name(2)13 Chapter 13 We Share the Same Last Name(3)14 Chapter 14 We Share the Same Last Name(4)15 Chapter 15 We Share the Same Last Name(5)16 Chapter 16 We Share the Same Last Name(6)17 Chapter 17 We Share the Same Last Name(7)18 Chapter 18 We Share the Same Last Name(8)19 Chapter 19 We Share the Same Last Name(9)20 Chapter 20 Thanks, Next(1)21 Chapter 21 Thanks, Next(2)22 Chapter 22 Thanks, Next(3)23 Chapter 23 Crush(1)24 Chapter 24 Crush(2)25 Chapter 25 Crush(3)26 Chapter 26 Crush(4)27 Chapter 27 End of My Story(1)28 Chapter 28 End of My Story(2)29 Chapter 29 End of My Story(3)30 Chapter 30 End of My Story(4)31 Chapter 31 Fireworks(1)32 Chapter 32 Fireworks(2)33 Chapter 33 Fireworks(3)34 Chapter 34 Fireworks(4)35 Chapter 35 Fireworks(5)36 Chapter 36 Fireworks(6)37 Chapter 37 Fireworks(7)38 Chapter 38 Fireworks(8)39 Chapter 39 Fireworks(9)40 Chapter 40 Mutual Love(1)41 Chapter 41 Mutual Love(2)42 Chapter 42 Mutual Love(3)43 Chapter 43 Mutual Love(4)44 Chapter 44 Mutual Love(5)45 Chapter 45 Copper Heart(1)46 Chapter 46 Copper Heart(2)47 Chapter 47 Copper Heart(3)48 Chapter 48 Copper Heart(4)49 Chapter 49 Reborn to Redeem(1)50 Chapter 50 Reborn to Redeem(2)51 Chapter 51 Reborn to Redeem(3)52 Chapter 52 Reborn to Redeem(4)53 Chapter 53 Reborn to Redeem(5)54 Chapter 54 Reborn to Redeem(6)55 Chapter 55 Reborn to Redeem(7)56 Chapter 56 Reborn to Redeem(8)57 Chapter 57 Reborn to Redeem(9)58 Chapter 58 Reborn to Redeem(10)59 Chapter 59 Reborn to Redeem(11)60 Chapter 60 I Got Three Boyfriends After Amnesia(1)61 Chapter 61 I Got Three Boyfriends After Amnesia(2)62 Chapter 62 I Got Three Boyfriends After Amnesia(3)63 Chapter 63 I Got Three Boyfriends After Amnesia(4)64 Chapter 64 Secret Crush(1)65 Chapter 65 Secret Crush(2)66 Chapter 66 Secret Crush(3)67 Chapter 67 The River at Night(1)68 Chapter 68 The River at Night(2)69 Chapter 69 The River at Night(3)