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My husband's Brother

Chapter 5 One of the members wants you here!

Word Count: 1502    |    Released on: 26/04/2023

lier before boarding the Helicopter to the Forbidden Land. Her eyes dro

n Land A

scribe the rules, policies, and regulations that the

ro, widow and of l

Forbidden Lan

Forbidden land stays in t

ellphones, tablets, and cameras, are no

ink too much while i

er attire at all tim

ner, the members, the co-


ei De

he agreement. She didn’t expec

surprised to see that there was a helicopter there and a man greeted her, asked for her invitation card

ter. She had three other women

forbidden for her. She read ‘About the Forbidden Land’ on the website. This Land wa

n regretting it. She was here, and she would make

ne would force her to do what she didn’t want to do in the

t regret going to t

get off. She was immediately led by a man in uniform

an with raised eyeb

, “To the Forbidden L

y secluded and exclusive island. She

which was actually an Island where its member or invited guest could make their

t while observing the blue ocean. She gripped the ra

by sea? That incident happened a lon

olently. She needs to calm down. She was here f

g on getting closer and closer to an island named ‘The Forbidden Land.’ But the women who were with

ce upon a time, she was like them. But when Len

at kind of happiness again.’ But she did no l

he saw the yacht, she was riding on

Land.” That woman who greeted them. “Before anything else, please proceed to the Securit

e female companions with

e thirties handed her a beautiful heart-shaped necklace. T

.” That woman looked at the four of them one by one. “This forbidden land is not your normal get away Island. Here,

were obviously excited. Was it wrong t

ky-luscious men.” That woman was next to her s

woman with them agreed. “I’m so excited t

outside the land, just come here and we will let you make a call. And if you want to receive incoming calls, inform me now s

and a few times. “Ah

.” Daria

er lip. “What if I cam

head had been cut off. Was there somet

here. If you want to relax, then be our guest. This land offers fun activities, such as zi

She said with

In short, that’s a distress button. When you press that, a member of the Security Team will automatically come to save you from danger. That pendant also serves as a GPS that allows the Security Team to locate you wherever you are in the land

doms and lubricant on their way out. She wi

i?” Daria en

he woman. “You know me?

golf cart.” The card was placed. “Your card key to your very own Cabin near the sea. And,

ted to the door where her three companions had just exit

kow Hotel for free while they are here and whatever their personal needs will be paid for they use their own money unless someone sponsors their land member.” She gestured to her, “however, you are different fro

“You mean

, one of the membe

incredible information she had heard. “And

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