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In Love with the Mafia Boss

Chapter 9 I'm not getting the whole thing

Word Count: 1502    |    Released on: 19/03/2023

ur... whatever would be sent to you within an hour! Meet the boss in his car!” he says to me with a death stare and motions for the car key. I hand it over, taking my coat, bag and heel in my hand. I

t to lose my job too so I'd rather not ask any questions at the moment. I feel crossed already. **** I woke up from the loud bang on my door, I'm startled and stunned and then infuriated, who would bang on my door as early as... I take a peek at my cell phone that's resting on the pillow next to me... 6:30 am. I hiss put of frustration and step out of bed as the bang gets louder. I curse in and outwardly, I grab my sleeping robe and swiftly wear as I scurry to the main door. I unlock it and soon the door bust open. That huge man is standing there, Dimitri. What is he going here this early, we are supposed to leave in the next one hour and he's here already? I look further and see a black car that resembles the boss’s, I pool back at Dimitri and he staring at me with mixed feelings, I'm confused suddenly. “What are you doing—” “Dont ask fucking questions, we need to go—now!” he instructs grabbing my wrist. What???? I try to grapple but he's being firm and yes, I can’t outrun him. “Listen lady, if you want to survive, you need to come with the boss, he’d explain everything in details. Come now!” he adds and I heave a deep sigh. Isn't this meant to be a business trip, and so why is all of these happening right now? It's sickening! “Can I at least take a shower or change into some—” “No worries, we have got them settled. Now don't act stubborn, just obey with no complaints.” ~ We are seated in the car, the boss glances at me, his face is stern and stoic as always but there is something bothering him. It is not like he is showing it, my instincts tells me so. “Ms. May,” his deep husky tome starts, I turn to him instantly. Yes, I need explanation, what sort of a frivolous trip Is this? I ask myself and he continues as if he has been listening to the conversations in my head. “Dont worry about the clothes and the way you look, we've got that sorted once we get to the private port!” Really? Not even apologies or something? “Sir, is this also—” “No further questions Ms. May, cooperate!” his face turns into a thicker frown, he looks away and then something unusual crops up, there is a shooting from behind us, it's targetted at us because Dimitri is pressurizing the driver and he's speeding on the go. The boss is pissed and so what am I supposed to do, just watch him get pissed or fucking what? My head is spinning all round and ro

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