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Chapter 1 Forbidden passion

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 08/03/2023



n our journey of love to the level of marriage. However, every time we have sex, my hu

o is thirsty for a sincere touch from her husband, but the husba

rtant in a household. However, it's not uncommon for couples wh

s. But the husband is reluctant to ignore honesty and that import

window. Lie's feelings were so troubled, but there wasn't much t

er husband continues to see Liea's shortcomings, while Lie

laves for men? Don't we wives deserve inner satisfaction

ional story, no one realized that th

hildren and even bed, her husband is always satisfied both visually and sexually. Liea

e lone


ontrol her braces and this was the beg

ental Ca

Mrs. Liea Osmond!” exclaimed o

to the dental

Mrs. Lie?” asked the

imself, how?” Lie replie

ll, Mr

then it's just routine maintenance.” Doctot Danil

or D

main lobby area of the building where doctor Dan

but fortunately the husband said he was busy. As a res

ively while watching the rain dr

said someone from behi

the rain to stop,” Lie replied with a sa

on the outskirts of town, if you wish, Mrs. Lie can

t it troubles


the splash of rain, the casual dress


anil took the initiative to take the back route wh

s alone?” aske

lone with

ds, Doctor Danil suddenly


y is ca


home yet, do you reall

soon...” Lie replied nervously, because after all Lie w

ack late at night, so ther

om her husband, moreover Lie had just seen her husband's social media story, who was taking

looked at Lie's cellphone screen and also eav

of excuse. Unknowingly, Lie suddenly shed tears, because L

s with a greedy and demanding kiss. Lie was lulled by the warm

s body with trembling hands, as if Lie wanted m

uck in your mind...” Doctor Danil s

to push into Lie's dress. Not only that, doctor Danil

this... does your hus

d, and confused by the qu

asked such a woman wh

n electrocuted by a high-power electric current and even got wet easily. Even though this rarely happens for

shy and unusual. Because, the husband is reluctant to explore areas of his body, but conti

. hm

spoiled sigh, when doctor Danil was already playing with his tongue

actually wanted L

ere. Ah, Lie was so dizzy that he wasn't playing, and even Lie was mad

nued their journey, sending Lie to t


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