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Claiming What's Mine

Chapter 8 : Sofia

Word Count: 1493    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

ge platter she’s holding on the kitchen island and

her to be. I feel like a fool after what happened in Papa’s offi

ars. My father heavily depends on him. My brothers assist Papa when needed, but none of them are interested in taking over when he decides to step down because they ha

ntori isn’t worth the effort, and part of me re

lick my wounds. I need to bury my feelings for Roman so deep inside me that they can never be unearthed. I hate that he ruined Grace and Matteo’s engagement party f

s. “But it’s

chool tomorrow.” Wanting to change the subject before she can pelt me with more q

tiful party for a beautiful couple,” she agrees. “Kenneth is a miracle worker. I don’t know what I would do withou

corners of my lips twitch. Poor Grace. She has no idea what she’s gotten herself into. If Francesc

her t

. Everyone had a fantastic tim

when I was a child. It takes serious willpower not to close my eyes


t least once a month. I know exactly where it

I love my job,

ts’ house. Last spring, when I was offered a contract for the following academic year, I purchased a small bungalow in the s

ith kids. It’s rewarding, and I feel like I’m m

nt directions before stumbling home blurry-eyed and exhausted. And there are afternoons when I stay late to finish up computer work a

y it and can’t imagin

look from under thick, sooty eyelashes. It’s one that says she expects grandbabies sooner rather than later

ate conception

an. I still feel raw and tender. “I’m only twenty-six, Mama. There’s plenty of time for that. I’m not in any rush.” I mentally apologize to my

ers her around two o’clock every Sunday

nd you’ll be out of time. You need to thin

to roll my e

o a nice, successful Italian man so I can settle down nearby and have three or four babies for them to spoil rotten. They may be

teacher at school who

tioned Drew to get her off my


fall for another man when your brain i

ened my eyes to what an absolute idiot I’ve been. I spend all my time counseling students, s


an exo

es to evict Rom

ice guy. One who will treat

ience sign up for his classes. I have no idea how, but he breaks down challenging subject material and makes it easier for

ht of what occurred this afternoon, that’s something I should reconsider. It s


nce.” Before I can utter another word,

e my brows and

or detail. “I’m sure he makes up for

t the corners

sprawling yard, she nods toward the tent b

ds beside my father with the box o

y mother muses, nudging

n’s hurtful words rever

ant you t

my cheeks in the process. Channeling as much calmness

, “I think he’s quite handsome. Your father has given him a g

bait me into a conversation, I give her a quick kiss on the

she sighs dramatically. “All right darling, but

n is rel

t trade her f

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