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The Royal Maid and the Lost kingdom

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 2715    |    Released on: 27/02/2023


prison. Now I am very frightened, I have no idea what I could have done to be brought here and accordi

guards even show up there and why exactly did he even ask th

on right now and my head aches. I was led in through the entrance and brought to a c

d outside, now this place was very clean and not just that, I was the o

be master of their own craft there are sometimes where you just could not e

to feel nauseated and also vomiting my lungs out. I remembered hearing voices of ridicules and being laughed at. But

place looks really neat and I could just relax before I get to be released again. I felt a bi

ad no idea when I fell asleep but it was a deep one because I did not care

ll and it was the brunette girl I met before in the market. I thought she

elt my face heat up and I knew I was blushing. I never

flowed down her back in loose waves. Her eyes were a deep brown, and her skin was smooth an

ad a kind and gentle demeanour, and her smile was warm and genuine. She

ed the tray in front of me. The food looked and sme

made me flutter for a moment which made my gaze drop down to her hands to see her

as I reached for th

ure," she said

high and her back straight, with a sense of grace and poise that was uncommon among the lower-class

I said, as she walk

said, with one last

e of gratitude towards her. Even in my circumstances, her smal

he sun. I recollected that she said lunch so that means that it is noon already and just then the smell of the

he society, I could remember it clearly after I finished packing and I had to go to the Stepmother’s room which is what the children calls her when she is

do not wish to marry? Why might I ask child?”.

lf and not just try to sell myself out before having a taste o

would commitment scare you? Marriage does n

that which was taught to us, I want to make my own decisions and ex

d, then she adjusted her short glasses an

ur decision?” She asked

o not see the bad aspect of it.” She said to me softly, I looked into her ey

down, Mother.” I replied to her,

e of them in the orphanage. I stood up and wit

ere, I had been arrested before and before dinner I had been let off with a warning never to do that again

gingerly, he looked at me and just left. Okay that was r

at hardly any guards came down here, maybe because the majority

and as usual the brunette will always come to bring to me my meals which should I say

t I should most definitely not even try to feel comfortable in a damn cell. I saw two

to the time now before my meal was meant to be delivered. I looked at the guards and opened my mouth to ask them but I shut

I also felt happiness. I guess these emotions are clashing so much that it must h

s but I composed myself and followed her. I was feeling excited to finally be released but I would not lie because I am f

eat or to go get some stale food from those who are kind hearted enough to g

g chamber and three other ladies were right in front of me looking at me with some weirded out eye. I

d by the ladies and washed and peeled and cooked I think. I felt my body turning p

brought about all these is because I tried to steal a simple necklace from a common

was also new, my hair was dried and packed to the back like the ones they had on their head. I saw one o

hair that vibrant red, they even made the water for my hair hotter with the aim of wa

eyes also swept through me and she seemed a bit shocked before she regained her norma

own for a few minutes, I could not help but be a bit grateful that

ir hoping one of them would at least give me a reply. Alas, tha

pped and I looked up to see a bright gold door, my chest made sure I felt it drumming because

the floor was at the back of my mind, my body felt tired

t would make me have an audience with the King. I was stopped and I kept my head lowered, already envisioning my head on

t was my cue as I curtsied to the best of my ability, I was not as fluid as I was

feminine voice and I g

ounded stern and with authority, I knew that was the king

t thing that came to my mouth, I sti

pened to decent work.

f the orphanage after reaching 16 summers.” I

you were sent to the

as not up to a summer when I wa

heard the King ask. I heard

majesty.” I

sent into another round of shock. The past two days flashed through my mind, and I knew tha

ng tighter. I knew it was rude to ask for confirm

replied and I could hear

y response because anything was better t

to the head maid and have her assign the

nt into a state of shock. I mean why does the person near the King have a rese

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