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Dirty Dianne

Chapter 6 6

Word Count: 2520    |    Released on: 13/02/2023

from Iggy. "Bingo!" A smile settled on


etty just as she looked. She maintained a tight smile while the she watched the employees walk past her, definitely working in preparation to the event coming up in hours.

Its really a lot of work being humble, she told herself. She forced a friendly smile as

th you Iggy, how are you doing?" Di

i'd like you to meet my friends. Nina and Maya, they

'd love you m

y outfit." Iggy complimented, that

ourse she needed no one to remind h

lace, the decors was half way done. Two women stood abreast talking and laughing, holding a glass of champagne respectively. They were dressed in

Both women turned to them immed

u. Where have you been?" Maya asked, s

, I met her last night at the after party y'all ditched

ng then you are." Maya added but Dianne took that statement as a bizarre one. Literally no one

s graceful the

r the event, what's on

be a plus to our trio. I mean, there's no room crea

't make me hate you for this!"

ou'd maintain a level of maturity, I mean you're

se!" Dianne added, smiling. She stared a

I fell for her. She's picky when it

than this. I respect Iggy as well as Maya and i'd love to respect you

int Nina." M

pefully!" Nina stated

nds at the garden." Iggy suggested. Dianne left b

e direction of their women, it was a surprise to see another woman i

ite that lad

Dianne's appearance a

e'd come.." Dickson

h?" Scotty, Nina

husbands a kiss on the lips, on cheek, whichever worked for them. Dianne stood still with tight smile instead, she was pissed at

from last night!" Iggy explained

meeting with earlier. Can you recall?" He said you his

type of woman if yo

!" Dickson cr

nd alluring woman, who stood in style and elegance. All Dianne could do was smile at their charade, she felt on top

ince it was some minutes last 8pm, i

nd foreign was prepared at it's best. They all gathere

t wasn't the timid Maya I got married to two years ago!" Rola

f getting married?" Maya asked in a friendly man

ate such a question, Dianne said to

y'all but I've never give

a spend the rest of her life with, right ladies?" I

e explained briefly "I'm sure that your men found y'all right?" She teased and they laughed. She s

as Castro. She excused herself as she found her


in search of you, I stopped by you

usiness, I don't have to tell

" He snapped, she tried to anno

, remember the p

at your apartment, w

hole!" Sh

I'll see you soon

on, she suspected that he must have heard ev

n, you'

o! I knew that I'd find you here, did I i

faint smile accompanied by a flirtatious stare as she

obvious that you are who she says you are! I like that!" He stated bas

eally believe every word someone t

at my wife told me, maybe i

de!" She attempted to l

on?" H

is moment Don, I love an

nique, just a day around you

her slowly, applying no pressure to it "See

t 5 years and 8 months with Iggy and has never looked at another differently, he wasn't sure wha

hall as she pulled Iggy

e, don't you like the pa

t, i love it! But I

ctually pass

g, it really needs my a

ms gently and swiftly but Dianne felt s

love it! And please expl

, honey!"I

the hall, his intense stare at Dianne was extreme but Iggy d

eaceful anyways. She got out of her car and headed to Castro's instead. They hugged but extended a kiss on her

lightly, he opened the door for her she slid into it th

on the

hesitation, he was pos

did i

Just as


w that

h! You know he would!"

...I'm jealous in advance!" He s

them! I'm all about the plan, the money we would get in return Castr

n waiting on us, Dumpy, Mason

ould only wish that nothing eventually happens between Dianne a

that be enough? No. She wanted the money, his wealth, the cartel's entirety. She would do anyth

es more!

'm really exhausted!" She sa

He did as s



hollered at them, their hard faces could make y

cigar in his mouth, everyone was standing. They came

u really..." Dumpy began te

e fuck u

e crushed the cigar butt on the a

ch time Dianne, what'

u know that i do my job, flawlessly not like others who'd have to think twice!" She

you got?" R

rlier, its quite secured but I'm y

you had a handful of hours to tour

day...." Diann

o you fuckin get it?" He yelled, Dianne maintai

I'm literally risking my life, playing around a cartel Don?" She expressed herself, Roscoe w

ass, I can't do this without you!" Rosc

" She said unde

to turn out well, we all f

ur ass knows better, don't it?" Roscoe said "Dumpy? Ma

y answered in u

ork!" He instructed as she

She said wal

ad left already, Ro

this game, so don't f

document to Dianne. "That's another high end clie

e!" She s

alked away, they made their way out of the bu

cotch tonight?"

do!" She an

y hung at, maybe they needed


ne decisio

hatcha y'

to hear fro

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