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Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor

Life-and-Death Elixir Emperor

Author: Radicals

Chapter 1 Reincarnation

Word Count: 2132    |    Released on: 16/02/2023

e Reincarnate Elixir rea

Suddenly, the memory of the previous l

of the opening of the Huangquan Nether of one of the nine miracles, he had a chance to get a legendary Reincarnate Elixir in the furnace of the relic of

ally made him reinc

ness in the day after tomorrow. Fortunately, there was no elixirger around him. As he slowly adjusted to his body, he sorted o

the four arched floor-to-ceiling windows, and the light golden light softly spilled on more than th

ess struck, and t

chemy knowledge, then please leave my classroom.

t Tang Mingyang who was lo

paying attention to her lectures. What's more, this student Tang Mingyang , who was not only hedonistic and incompetent, but also unlearned an

and he was cut into civilians and expelled from the Tang Palace. Otherwise, it was not known

er Liu Xuefei from the rostrum stared

ll a pret

s shone slightly, admiring

ses. She had a hot physique with protruding front and back, which could not been concealed even in the loose ph

it is good to just leave and f

ealms: acquired three realms and innate th

ysical fitness, nourishin

spiritual residence,

bcontinent, where the spirit of the world was thin, and martial Dao and alchem

rength was the f

to leave the classroom, which ac

s seat, and walked toward the classroom


od show were also shocked by Ta

ngry speech. Did he really climb

ally walked towards the door of the classro

ere are y

back to the dormitory to sleep,

and sleep. Why didn't you make it when I asked you to go to hell? Suddenly, she just felt cold all over, and had a feeling of being stared at by wild

wallowed saliva with licking li

understand w

ck her anger and h

dared to disrespect her so much and mo

ight, can

he waves that undulated on her chest whe

his frivolous gaze, but instead had a slightly obscene me

ns about alchemy. If you can answer them, you ca

meaning, as asking questions was just t


nd then recovered, and found that his own intention was

e alchemy

. In addition to the legendary old immortals who surpassed the six real

felt that Teacher Liu Xuefei was calm under the iceber

ead? Did he even still think he was the son of Tang Palace?

e alchemy master was respected? It was not because they could refine the elixir that ma

, you didn't even know when

cademy, the most famous even

id not go to have her classes, but to see her beauty. As a result, Teacher Liu was of course very angry. She asked the students abou

nts from her own class, no one from an

the testis of Tang

ing at Teacher Liu's breasts in a misbehaved

omen forcibly, and Teacher Liu had better l

at Teacher Liu would immediately remove the e

ed them on the jade tray of the platform made of black iron. Her voice was as cold as marble: "Co

st question?" Ta

is eyes only glanced slightly at the two herbs

as he touched them, he would get hit, and after h

int was on the testis,

l of the existence who could exactly successfully poison him. The chick in front o

wo herbs in my class, which is

he podium and stepped back a few steps in di

e quickly changed his mouth, "Ah, Teacher Liu, kindly remind you, I rarely open my noble mou

was used to the kiss of a predeces

r alchemists in the world of Heaven and Earth had been knee

... ch

turbulent again. But when she found Tang Mingyang 's greedy gaze,

civilians and expelled from the Tang Palace.

a deep friendship. Looking at these friendships, although she

were hard to change. What was the po

If I wouldn't let you experience "ballache" for

e seat stared straigh

as Tang Mingyang still calm and breezy? Wasn't he afrai

uth to talk about the use of these

en Tang Mingyang would not force her. He picked up a herb in the jade pan, and under th

and his classmates

e leaves are like a snake's scales. This i

as calm, I thought

the first questi

ing in the front row near Tang Mingyang had erected the illustration of ophiuros exaltatus to make Tang Mingy

p, all

ding next to Tang Mi

s exaltatus, but it was more accu

must be bl

coldly and asked, "Why do yo

n the classroom came to an abrupt halt, and the

. really

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1 Chapter 1 Reincarnation2 Chapter 2 Unpopular Alchemy Knowledge3 Chapter 3 Elixir was eaten by you4 Chapter 4 The poorest and luckiest man5 Chapter 5 Overt conspiracy and bitter ploy6 Chapter 6 Kneel down, very arrogant7 Chapter 7 You 're done8 Chapter 8 Golden Red Medicine Hall9 Chapter 9 Dragon-blood locust tree10 Chapter 10 The Secret of the Jin Family11 Chapter 11 Dragon Blood Battle Techniques12 Chapter 12 The Biggest Demon13 Chapter 13 Love Is Priceless14 Chapter 14 Getting the Axe15 Chapter 15 Self-inflicted, Not Alive16 Chapter 16 Jin Wanru's Talent17 Chapter 17 Alchemy of Alchemy18 Chapter 18 A Mess19 Chapter 19 Pill As Jade20 Chapter 20 Laughter and Kowtow21 Chapter 21 Get Out22 Chapter 22 Harsh Conditions23 Chapter 23 Be A Great Cause24 Chapter 24 Suspicion25 Chapter 25 Arrogance and Fury26 Chapter 26 Be a Slave27 Chapter 27 Make His Mark28 Chapter 28 Eliminating Evil29 Chapter 29 Dragon Blood Pill30 Chapter 30 Dragon Blood Quenching Body31 Chapter 31 Double Major32 Chapter 32 Blood Demon Tribulation33 Chapter 33 Tiandu Sect34 Chapter 34 Uneasy Night35 Chapter 35 Go Out36 Chapter 36 Dragon Spirit37 Chapter 37 Threats38 Chapter 38 Killing39 Chapter 39 Shenbu Door40 Chapter 40 Blood poison Man41 Chapter 41 Fright of the Hua Clan42 Chapter 42 Can't Die43 Chapter 43 Arrogance44 Chapter 44 Hardly escape the catastrophe45 Chapter 45 To be a slave46 Chapter 46 Heading to the Soul Breaking Abyss47 Chapter 47 Hostage taking48 Chapter 48 Tianlou Gang49 Chapter 49 Beg to cure others.50 Chapter 50 Kill all