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Billionaires' Secret Series 1: Uncontrol Love

Chapter 3 Kiss me

Word Count: 1593    |    Released on: 31/01/2023

ou following me?" J

llow you?" Yazed an

little from the man, "Because yo

st lost her balance. "Look at you. Next t

didn't know why, but she suddenly felt like flirting with the m

e man could be the solution to her plan. She didn't want to embark on t

to react to the seemin

t dirty because of me." Her eyes were charmin

was not pleased with the woman's open flirtation with him. Even t

met him, she felt comfortable with him. If it was a different man like the

e of the woman's body. She was wearing a hanging blouse that protruded from her narrow waist and navel. Her pants pe

for a while and leaned on the strong

't you compose yourself? What if you were with another m

so lucky." She was seemingly proud and s

he woman's tight hug. He could also feel

umbled and closed her eyes whi

looked like she can't handle herself due

ut she can no longer open

g? I should've

growled i

lity!" He carried the drunk woman.

as he sat in the driver's seat. The man saw a card holder p

ss on any of the card. Mostly, ATMs and privilege cards from departmen

h other?" asked the w

k, their cheeks were almost touching. "Uh


If you think I am not a trustworthy person, you can check my bac

saw the card held by the young man. It was rare to ha

d didn't care about the people's stares. He just wanted to rest his back. He felt like he carried two sacks of rice, e

man on the bed. She growled and mov

usted her drooping legs. "What's wi

t her arm around the man's neck when

only a few inches away from each other, he couldn't help but stare at he

" He gently tapped t

ed even more while ke

oman's face and get away fr

moaned an

" Yazed flicke

pened her eyes. "Why are you di

t weren't for me, you would have had a

repay you w

ould take advantage of a drunk woman. She was not in her right mind. He also suddenly remembered the daughter of his mother's friend w

h! You want me to take the first move?" Jenny suddenly pulled the

ed there. "Are you like that with all the men you want to thank?" He a

al to me." Jenny ignored the man's anger. Her confidence in her miss

e influence of alcohol. "I brought you here because I don't know where to take you. Do you want

e bed. "I don't want to go home. There's no reas

someone. It was so sad every time he came home. There's no one waiting

id for this room." Yazed thought as a soluti

alled to the man as he turned

d, and raised his eyebrow

e here alone?" She asked

t want to go home." It looked like Yazed

me first." Jenny chi

l, we don’t know each other. And second, you are a woman

" Jenny referred to the men she fought

Yazed's tone o

noyed the man and ignored h


girlfriend?" Je

ve. "Why do you have so many questions?" he was suddenly irritated by the woman's p

ndex finger for the man to come closer. "Sit her

seemed to be hypnotized by her becau

m on the lips. But instead of protesting or getting angry,

s inexperienced. So when she stopped,

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