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Chapter 9 NINE

Word Count: 1371    |    Released on: 01/02/2023

g and the long flight they didn't take a rest from. Their bags and shooting bags were shattered on the floor and their s

a's arm. "Miss Cortes?" She heard an Arab lady call, s

again, and jumped out of the b

a lady stood in a red suit with

, Miss Cortes," she

t voice called, Kim shifted

d loud enough to wake Ava. Kim hur

n. "When I heard you were in Dubai I screamed! It's been like forever!" He

s here?" She asked, sh

Miran did," Jamie repl

itched her hair with a small lau

Kim's eyes flashed with curiosit

ared her throat, a

h sleepy eyes, Kim da

nd pulled her arms, "This is Jamie,

s nails painted and slight makeup he had on. His hai

ou, I'm Ava Cruz" she stretched

terrupted. Ava looked at

doing here?" Ava asked Kim's eyes widened at the q

Jamie replied, Ava's gaze turned to Ki

ct words. Miran had always done this even when

ulled the door opened and three ladies walked with the tray of clothes, and shoes followed behin

at her, Kim managed a smile and started "Shou

his hands and beckoned

crossed his arms with hers, ta

Ava and Jamie seemed to get along well and helped her pick a long pastel

seem pretty elegant and rich on her. A smug smile graced her thick red

e a goddess!"

cleavages that wer

gonna outshine the bride" Ava teased,

yes met Ava's dress, "You look stunnin

m looked at him with conf

o give me a ride," Ava sa

t me?" She

im stared at her doubtfully. "See you!" Ava grabbed her gown and walked towards Jamie cross

isha yet and felt a little bad. She p

ng on to her chest, sheer panic washed th

y charming blue eyes. He wore a black tuxedo that seemed like they were specially tailored for him, and his shoes shined black that the reflection of the light shimmered on them. His beard was

ears. Kim lowered her gaze and met his feet taking steps to

ing and flushed. "You-" she swallowed,

ss his lips, and his gaze n

ister smile whining to his cheeks. Kim's

he sighed as she remembere

d shifted her gaze to the mirror when she couldn't sight him anymor

an opened it, and her eyes caught a pearl

e fixing the necklace, and he took

smiled, blushing as she took them an

is warm breath against her neck tickled, heat spread across

ou are" and smiled wa

ce, a lighthearted smil

d around, her soft chuckles turned into a hearty laugh. Her hands resting on his chest craned s

She asked with

me," He said, and moved backw

a's people," Kim said and

looked around the room and just when she realiz

olling her eyes and walking past him


enjoyed this. I'M YOURS TOO update is twice a week, doesn't have a particular



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