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His Second Hand Wife

His Second Hand Wife

Author: Author VJ

Chapter 1 Promise

Word Count: 2038    |    Released on: 06/01/2023


." Megha put plaits in fron

e this desert to him." Kalyani t

" Megha asked

aybe he was impressed by your food. That's why

t. In these six months, no customer had expressed any desire to meet Megha. Everyone used to praise his Indian food b

ls in his arms. But he still chose to eat here. And it's very beneficial for our rest

think too much, just picked up the

ore stepping inside with a p

he walked to the table. She did

she put down the plate on the table and stepped back very

mall restaurant in India." Old h

heard that voice again in her life. S

gha said in a

to call me grandpa back there.

I forget….

ur relationship with me? Don't tell me you forgot your

ut hearing the old man’s voic

thing wrong with the foo

e you all right?)”

I didn’t say anything to her yet.)” O


ing.” Mark bows to Old man as he figures o

id. Megha, did you

isrespect you by calling you by your na

re breaking my promise to your g

bad seeing me here doing things

hich you deserve. But even after marriage you are doing the same thing even after coming here. I came to know that you are living alone at her house. And my grandson is having fun. He is doing debauchery with women in his

ke you feel bad. But I had to

dson give you mon

t about t

ow will I know if you don


sonal talk with my daughter-in-la

k said and he wen

e whole thing." Old Man

old daughter and I am a divorcee. Woman. Who would marry such a woman? Who would want that his wife is already missing with someone else's child. Your grandson is r

he right path, that's why I got her married. But

orld and mine are different. You should have married a girl of his ag

my grandson. If I didn't get him married in t

t tro

ook a dee

us. Because now what I am going to tell you,

are you t

ime has come for you to fulfill your duty

not come on time, she would have been sold in the market by now. Due to his father's gambling addiction, Megha's

fter the death of his father, loan seekers used to harass Megha and his family. Because of that, Megha sold his ancestral hou

m him. And Raka wanted to marry Dhaani in exchange for the loan. Megha was not able to understand how to avoid the trouble named Raka. That's why Mr Smith

his grandson. Because of Mr Smith, Megha never does anything for a

that her husband does not give money to Megha. Rather, he has given Dhaani a gold card with five million dollars, so that Dhaani never needs to work. But Megha is a self-centered woman who believes in spending only the money she earns on her own. That's

and money. Her husband never asked about her condition. He just puts some amount in Megha's account every month. Even when filling the ration for the month, only then alone he

r or later, today the same thing happened. Mr Smith came to

secret about her husband, due to which she would h

want now?" ask

serting your right to be

t know where he lives. This is not my country, otherwise I would have found

ob to send him to you. But take care of one thi

as yo

g said this, Old Man

t pro

me the privilege of being Great Grandpa once m

mean?" Megha's eyes w

birth to my grandson's child. Now tell

didn't find the

someone else. But just think about this, he is your

oks down at her fin

l in love with you and have a baby with him. He wil

to do my duty as wife." Megha

with a happy family." Old man patter

nt one promise

what did

m and I didn't change in one year.

y planning to div

nt him to be tied to me his whole life. If he finds someone better. I want him

ationship with him doesn't change i

pa." Megha gives

e you make something sweet in my house when you

up and bow to him before she


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