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The Alpha and His Pet

The Alpha and His Pet


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1217    |    Released on: 02/01/2023



he alpha king roared at my mother. He appeared to be

le. I watched as my mother gulped nervously and took a step backward, but with every step she took to reach the corner, the alpha king stamped on her l

ble to finish her sentence because the alpha king repeatedly stabbed her heart with

k t

any further. I couldn't even scream or cry because I couldn't move. I was genuinely terrified. I didn't know why he did

d while I was hiding in the shadows. In the end, he didn't say anything to me, not even a pat on the back, or

t I made a promise to myself that I would force every man to kneel and pay for what my father did to my mother, and I have kept that promise. I made a vow to myself that I would never fall in lo

r over ten more years were about to be shattered because my father had dec

to stand up to my father and tell him no this time. If I am unable to be the queen and rule

gering among the servants, but my loyal servant decided to inform me of everything that was going on behind my back. She knocked

tantly while looking to the floor; Despite this, she was not only my devoted servant, but she was also almost my closest and most trus

and approached her; she fiddled with her fingers before looking at me, saying, "Your father intends to

lmost exclaimed, al

aid, nodding. "And he informed me that the alpha king had decided to hold a "battle" to determine w

hed with the wind. I had been putting a lot of effort into myself and my training days in order to be

ago while he was sleeping," I mumbled, com

ng her hand on my mouth, "don't say anything. You

n affair with the beta in order to save my life. Yes, that was the extent of my planning. Someone from within, someone closer to my father who is familiar with every tiny detail a

is willing to give her body to someone

yself to be an alpha female. After all, why wouldn't my father allow me to

g with rage. " I am not going to allow that monster to

nodding her head in agreement. "If you want me t

light smile. " You're a sister to me, in a wa

n my direction as if s

s I explained my strategy. "Inform them that princess Ava is not a virgi

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