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The Unorthodox Billionaire and His Wife

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1566    |    Released on: 29/12/2022

ore moving to the c

denim jeans by the side of his bed. He had so many things he need

drowsily walking down the long hallway. His work around the ranch made his body lean and hard

rhead were out, he couldn't see. He sleepily made a note of it and thought. "Now, I know why C

om his sister-in-law when she was dating Chase. She gave it as a gift to them, even though she was the only one who kn

s black lab. Milo always sneaked up on him, appearing under his foot and wagging. Chandler never knew a happier dog; he'd h

clothes. "Ah, darn it! Do I have to fold clothes too? I'll tackle that, too, along with that broken fenc

sh a few things around the house. He couldn't remember ever mopping the floor here, and he knew Chase didn't clean a thing before packing his bags and getting out

aking all the ranch responsibilities to himself. As a result, he hasn't been able to do much wi

end, Chandler was happy for him. Thinking Chase's girlfriend would be more help at Whispering Creek. But then it fe

because he only saw his neighbors occasionally and a few other farmers on th

atter what, even if he walked him naked. He'd done that before after too many beers late one evening. Chandler chuckled, thinking how h

g aside salt and pepper and a stack of paper napkins beside a stack of paper plates. And his laptop, his only real connection to the outside world.

d have a hot cooked breakfast. But instead, he grabbed a slice of bread and headed to the

o the sound of the morning birds before it got too warm for them, and they

ad in the other. Chandler moseyed on down to the barn putting his coffee cup on a shelf next to three other half-filled coffee cups from previ

of the brush and ran alongside Troy as Chandler rode out into uncut land smiling. His ranch was huge, with a lot of fences to mend. He worked

panionship for life. That made Chandler happy for his br

When the taxi picked him up to take him to the airport, he stopped at the cemetery. Chandler stared at the three Urns that contained the name, date, and re

or neighbor who helped him and Chase when they lost their parents a year ago and thei

r Chase, Milo, and his horses. Oh, and his bothersome grandpa Thorn, who has managed to turn his life upside down. But Cha

boys were now grown. Mr. Chuck gave him and Chase love and helped them finish the work their father had left behind. Growing up as a country b

ent to school and got excellent grades; he went to the local college and learned about computers and

But Last year was his first time seeing a Chris Brown music video and a Taylor Swift concert. He was behind on what was happening worldwide, but Chandler found it exciting and intrigui

lew, disruptin

only a few minutes to get to the plane. He was motivated to go, his adrenaline was high, and he was excited about branchi

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