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The Lycan King's Mistress


Word Count: 1694    |    Released on: 27/04/2023



rils reacted in that instant, and I sneezed, dra

sleep after th

shed over me. I forced my eyes open, and looked


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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 Disposing The Queen 3 Chapter 3 Daughter Of A Traitor 4 Chapter 4 Tortured By My Mate 5 Chapter 5 Sell Her Off 6 Chapter 6 Let Slaves Be Slaves 7 Chapter 7 Slavers From Alcarod 8 Chapter 8 Meeting The King 9 Chapter 9 A Victim of Infidelity 10 Chapter 10 A New Role, A New Friend 11 Chapter 11 The Library 12 Chapter 12 His Special Gift 13 Chapter 13 Bad For My Health 14 Chapter 14 The Scrawny Lycan 15 Chapter 15 The Council 16 Chapter 16 Chaotic 17 Chapter 17 Whomever I Please 18 Chapter 18 Deja Vu 19 Chapter 19 All Over Again 20 Chapter 20 Kain's Brothel 21 Chapter 21 New Mistress For The Old King 22 Chapter 22 Part Of His Bargain 23 Chapter 23 Red River 24 Chapter 24 Quick Karma 25 Chapter 25 The Throne Is Mine 26 Chapter 26 Thank The King 27 Chapter 27 A Royal Librarian 28 Chapter 28 The Elves29 Chapter 29 Invitation 30 Chapter 30 Orgy 31 Chapter 31 Spoilt brats 32 Chapter 32 Too Extravagant For A Slave 33 Chapter 33 Message from the Lycan 34 Chapter 34 The Awaited Meeting 35 Chapter 35 The king's Mistress 36 Chapter 36 A New Development 37 Chapter 37 To Shut Her Up 38 Chapter 38 Valuable Information 39 Chapter 39 Erika's Move40 Chapter 40 Official Undoing 41 Chapter 41 Not Prepared 42 Chapter 42 Just A Mistress 43 Chapter 43 The Threat 44 Chapter 44 Dinner Preparation 45 Chapter 45 Worst Dinner Experience 46 Chapter 46 Affirming Accusations 47 Chapter 47 Deserving of Hate 48 Chapter 48 Mother's Warmth 49 Chapter 49 Gnawing Fear50 Chapter 50 In His Arms 51 Chapter 51 At The Royal Physicians'52 Chapter 52 Her Presence 53 Chapter 53 The Interrogation 54 Chapter 54 What Was She Hiding 55 Chapter 55 You Belong To Me 56 Chapter 56 Taking Proper Shape 57 Chapter 57 His Sex Slave 58 Chapter 58 She Has Been A Good Girl 59 Chapter 59 The Auction Party 60 Chapter 60 It Was Hell 61 Chapter 61 Their Farce 62 Chapter 62 Who Wants To Buy Me 63 Chapter 63 Burn It To The Ground 64 Chapter 64 Bad News For Rasmus 65 Chapter 65 Kain's Nightmares 66 Chapter 66 All I Had 67 Chapter 67 Celebratory Dinner 68 Chapter 68 Jealous Much69 Chapter 69 Beast Of Blood and Death70 Chapter 70 Her Kind71 Chapter 71 Know Your Place 72 Chapter 72 Why Her 73 Chapter 73 A Mate From Alcarod 74 Chapter 74 Keep Them Safe 75 Chapter 75 Make Love To Me 76 Chapter 76 Face The Consequences 77 Chapter 77 Overwhelming Sensation 78 Chapter 78 Only Mine 79 Chapter 79 Did It Mean Anything 80 Chapter 80 Good News For Rasmus 81 Chapter 81 Grant His Wish 82 Chapter 82 A Lot To Be Done 83 Chapter 83 More Worthy84 Chapter 84 Tell The Truth85 Chapter 85 Be With You86 Chapter 86 Blood on my hands 87 Chapter 87 AWAKEN HIS LUST88 Chapter 88 NOT EVIL ENOUGH 89 Chapter 89 UNDER MY WATCH 90 Chapter 90 NOT STRONG ENOUGH 91 Chapter 91 LITTLE WOLF92 Chapter 92 DEAREST S93 Chapter 93 GO TO HER94 Chapter 94 STRANGE VISITORS95 Chapter 95 UNDER MY NOSE96 Chapter 96 THE KINGS CHILD97 Chapter 97 AN OLD ENEMY98 Chapter 98 YOUR OWN PROBLEMS99 Chapter 99 PREPARE FOR WAR100 Chapter 100 THE SUPERIOR RACE