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Ruthless Mate

Chapter 8 7

Word Count: 1697    |    Released on: 26/10/2022

o get ready for the night but Aurora's h

and that she was all neat and clean. There was n

t at first but seeing the worry etched over Aurora

Her heart was beating fast a

mate or not. The man has done nothing that loving mates do

ing with him had her whol

she face h

and couldn't help but think about his huge muscular statu

can s


d if by any chance someone caught her sneaking away, they would surely try to capture her

ot a thing that she could e


, he would've done it yesterday night b

mere thing rattled her very bei

e this cru

, her heart sank more in

des. Her mind conjured up anyth

on it was dark outside. Charlotte

re death when she found bla

ease..." Aurora s

me someone was scared of sleeping with their mate

you'll be fine." Charlotte tried to reass

t of the love of mate bond or anything. P...please I can't do thi

Charlotte said and A

listen?" She

is the Alpha he will have the strongest urge to claim you as his and mark you but if you don't want it he'll

ack take this ritual. Draken would not consider her feelings for

out it the more her sto

hat could be more appealing to

lest disobedience from her side has infuriated

t her in the name o

d listen to her but no matter how much Aurora tr

ed her completely and still proceede

f but just a mere hybrid. Her strength was nothing compared to

t like

suitcase and took out her phone. Switching it

ter, Luca. They all tried to call her.

strong. If he tries anything just text me and he won't be left alive to se

r to stay strong. He'll g

Luca but didn't

hone, she hid it ba

ed the lingerie and tore the

t and sat on the couch while breathing in

. She will straight on say no to him. S

d out of the window contemplating if she would

fork there. Though she has no weapon, that fork wo

he wouldn't show up but luck wasn't on her si

er heart dropped even more. She stopped breathing

s from the light that crept into her

inched in her place. Palming her mouth s

eave thinking that she sle

ter a pause and it wa

o her spot on the couch while hugging h

a loud bang on the door. She watched in horr

was he so mad? He should get the hint th

he f*cking door!" He growled as

ry and closed her

She shakily padded towards the door but she didn't even reach it when she heard his foo

or burst open and he stood inside h

wide and her body rigid when she noti

wling towards her causing her to stumble a few steps back u

away from touching her knee and he glare

d. She noticed he was wearing a loose sando with swea

ormed you about the ritual," He sai

ead. Her heart was thumping so loudly that sh

de table. "Let's go to my room," He said calmly, he also noticed the shreds of black cloth on the

barely audible voice but he

ith icy malice as he slowly

in fear as Alpha's aura radiated off of him in waves

with mustered-up courage as she wiped her left chee

k ferocious look in his eyes had her inside

not," He snickered before grabbi

er to run but he noticed it before she could act on it and he abruptly grabbe

th it soon," He sneered as he s

ceased to bea

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