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Held Against My Will

Chapter 4 Emotionally Not Invested

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 06/10/2022

n Pers

. I lost my focus. Sorry about that, Ralph." I say, affectionatel

s to do with our business plan?" Ralph asked, t

t working and being with someone. I knew Brenda didn't love me, or was it the other way around? Either way, I didn't quite know how to let her go emotiona

is throat. "Hey

usiness is fine. It's my personal life that's jacked up. Until a month ago, I could get into Brenda, and everything would be fine. I

to New York? Please say your not." R

icago being exciting, it's a bust! A bi

ack that you would make that move and ask

nned a romantic evening at a nice restaurant in Chicago, and when I asked her to marry me, I

nbelievable. "Raphael s

I don't know what it is. The girl is sexy, pretty, witty, funny, and a great partner. Sh

w it. There will be no hesitation. Just take this time t

phael. Wouldn't t

des, she left you and hasn't returned in all this time.

in the conference room and

re probabl

sure, don't make any moves. Hol

But then she came to the apartment and moved more of her things out the other

It's your life. Not your father's, not yo

re ri

ght! I would never

nd being a good friend; you give

s at 8:30 pm. We bett

hael. I'll lock

t after talking to Raphael, I felt I had some clarity about

we loved one another. After a year of being together, we cared deeply about one

at 29 years of age to be more meaningful. Being in a sta

and fill me with passion and compassion. I wanted to feel that rush and high you get when you're madly in love! I could lay in

affected sexually. Brenda is leaving me, leaving Boston emotionally, physically, and sexually deprived. Anytime mere thoughts and words woke me up.

n meet a woman like t

ng. When the elevator door opened, I noticed the light bulbs

he blown-out bulbs. I then heard the voices that only grew louder and more apparent. Then, final

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