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Billionaire Wife’s Revenge.

Billionaire Wife’s Revenge.

Author: Onyemaobi

Chapter 1 Ride it like Patricia.

Word Count: 839    |    Released on: 09/09/2022

zed sweatily ag

falling right next to him, pulling up the bedsheets around her chest. Her wrists held up her hair

breathing heavily f

, brushing against her nose. “Of course” He whispered, realizing how much of a bad day

he wall and she let out a chuckle. “You’re probably stressed because of to

, without even waiti

Carter Conference, one of the largest held at the center of the city and in attendance would be t

ton to his eldest son Leonard as the CEO of Carter Corporations. And alas, it was

tricia whispered, confident that when the time came, Leo wouldn’t hesitate to ask her to marry him. It was a dream, at the l

seal the deal and get married. A dream indeed, because Leonard f

r. “I can’t either.” A

ight anxiously planning her future that was about to begin that night. When the sun came up, howev

or maybe a bachelo

on her face. And slipping her legs through her knickers, she mad

und. She slipped it out and put her finger through. “It fits” Came an exciting yell as she faced the mi

there, Leonard’s mother and they’d gotten along since well, the first day she met her. “I can’t believe h

s, rubbing her smooth cheeks. “You get the biggest reward tonight hun” Her soon-to-be mother-in-law sa

ss it wouldn’t” Ama

r my son than you” She was right, even Leo often said that Patricia was the

. And for herself, she’d imagined no life with anyone but him. Taking a deep breath,

ith color and tears soon stung the back of her eye. Growing up, Pat had always had Amanda since losing

her for no

escaped he

ed tonight.” But l


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