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The Lady Gangster's Mission For The Prince

Chapter 7 Back To Stalwart Castle

Word Count: 2285    |    Released on: 09/09/2022

he didn't just wear them on the mission to Mr. Torres because they didn't fit what she was wearing, and the most important of all of it was her two wooden sticks, so all of the things sh

ld only sleep for a few hours because her flight was early in

kfast, but Adira is not there yet because she has to wait five hours befor

know I'll repeat this question, but for what other reason? Why di

of his lips with a small black clo

the difference if s

d of hurting you or saying bad things to you. You must have noticed how Adira talks to you. Even if you are the prince of our country, she doesn't care.

to let that rude woman talk bad to me. Maybe later, instead of me learning, my body wi

on't even get injured or feel tired in your

t fa

u could not only get a wound but also lose your life?" He was silenced by his father's serious words. "Right now you need to know what is happening or will happen because you will replace me. A king

mean I can't g

" King Stephen stopped what he was saying and remembered the letters he was receiving. "So, my son, be brave for

dded and thought abou

his room because he didn't have anything to do that day. He had just read a book to relieve his boredom, and

t General Agustin was waiting for her. He wasn't wearing a soldie

dy." He was still smiling while saying that. "Come on, let's

r and took her things, but the maid took her things. The maid was going to take the other plastic, but she refuse

his r

I go t

ng. "What are you going to

ething." She even raised the

but first you have to call out the door and let him permit you to go inside his

it's okay even if you don't

Do you know which is

at before I lef

e." He bowed his head s

o one spoke from inside so she could enter. She repeated what she said, but no one really spoke, so she tried to turn the lock on the door, and she didn't fail

ough the doorway and noticed Prince Dylan on a long sofa, lying with a book in his hand. "He didn't do anything to

didn't have much stuff inside, unlike the other room. She can see almost a red color from the curtain to the blanket and

royals really like this—despite their red lips, they don't even have pores?" While she was staring at the prince's fa

es, and he saw exactly Adira, so no

in my dream, this

ile he was lying down. Now their faces are only an inch away. He swallowed for some unknown reason, bu

s forehead, he looked at her angri

ve only been gone for one or two days, and you've fo

nly hired you to teach me. It's not like you're the one with power b

s, she was laughing like she was out of her mind. "You are going crazy!" H

side of me that you can still complain about." Her head tilted. "And one more thing: whatever I do to you, it doesn't matter who is here, the soldier, the gen

was no emotion now, unlike when he first saw her when his father introduc

you rely on your soldiers and wait for them to save you. It's no use being a prince if you always make excuses that you have soldiers who will be defended from the enemy. Remember, when the soldiers can't do i

bag at him and hit him in the face. He looked at her frowning and was about to get angry, but he couldn't because of the way she

in wonder. "Those are the clothes you'll wear every time we have training. Th

for him. "Maybe you got ready while I wasn't here? Wh

time in his room because he didn't have to go anywhere el

t doesn't matter if you're not prepared, because once we're ou

ng to let me struggle and have blood on my body, and even tho

ur r

st in training because you di

ecause if I let it happen, you won't learn anything from me. Even in war, even if you surrender, that doesn't mean they will stop

to stop and wait for the enemy to take your life. Hold your sword tightly while the blood flows from its handle because of

n't know much about the outside of the palace and how they do anything. I'm leaving, but tomorrow we have to start training because it looks like

on't learn to hold a sword right away. Did she enter my room without my permissi

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