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Once Abused, Now Loved

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1777    |    Released on: 11/08/2022




his knees gave out and he was bowin

y people, Alpha Prince!“ He wailed,

l lost in the words he'd said when he rushed in. They were too hea

but think of it all as a scheme; of course, he wouldn't want me taking the mate of one of h

een us and I stomped hard on his fingers, cr

tside would come rushing in. But they didn't

his minute! Get a gri

single word he spewed is no

'm telling you the truth. Hara's…ahhhh!“ His words were

led into the deepest part of hell. There, you'd be

at home, nor here in the palace. She's got no

friends? Is she antisocial

-Prince. But what I do know is that she's

ngers even harder. I heard a crack sound, and his cries were louder tha

re? Has she ever disapp

ime and that's why we're scared. What

hing before walking away from hi

uarantee him leaving here alive. Red was in a monstrous rage and it wouldn't be

ate someone else's mate is as suicidal as injecting tons o

y guess was, he'd noticed my dis

as always glued to Hara as you'd said, then

scurried off, trippi

ere watching you continue your insanity is because I don't

re. These folks are trying to keep her aw

? She has a mate! She is not a membe

he reason I've had it rough for the past twenty-seven ye

lity into that brain of yours, Ryder?! Hara is mated! G

e out in an explosive, possess

t do you think would happen if the words spread that your d

ple would say. I'm having Hara, even

think I built an empire just to have y

e got interrupted by the approachi

My gaze trailed to the cast tied around his arm to hold it up. I'

e is

idea. I'm very much abashed by the news a

nd. Does she have a reas

he epitome of a blessed union. Everyone can attest to

n was punching all the buttons of my rage. Beheading him was not

ery corner of the woods. If she was running away, then she might not have got

wned on me. This was real. Hara was

a - P

rner of the woods, every house, every street. Don't l

wanna start another argument session but that'll have to

. It was a matter

use in my tracks, “If you don't find her tonigh

I'd barely made it outside when Red took full con

every single scent. None of it was like Hara's. But I w

d a crack of dawn shone on my fur th

and I stood there, howling end

my howls because I sn

And I hate to be the one to say this, but we're leaving in an hour.

with my knees to the ground and m

my mind, whimpering endlessly. Thi

ll meet you in the palace,“ Was al

ide the cottage. The door opened and

e. And if I never see her, then she'll go down history as Roland's mate. I Hated to do this, but I had to

something, yo

t was all I could ask for. A pi

eaded inside. Seconds later,

. Hara loved flowers, so the g

saw they were both in the picture. But I barely noticed him as sh

ne was waiting. I went to stand

ut the chaos I caused. Let it s

e. It was just a mere c

me wanna pull his eyes out of their sockets. A mere co

nderstanding.“ Father said his farewells to Zed and in thirt

from the Red Moon pack, t

car was in front and Jason was riding with t

ped staring at her picture, it was just her

r are you in danger? If only I could

ing now. I glanced at the wind-down window and reali

he moon, Hara.“ I soliloquized,

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