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Captured A Demon's Heart

Chapter 3 Prince Leander

Word Count: 1003    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

ink-black hair was tied into a bun, supported by pins, and her black eyes scanne

ry, everyone in the room immediately

ed her hand, her black eyes staring at her son

oing here and who is she?" Despite the

ere. she was all on her own looking at the pictures in a book so I decided

ce softened, a gentle smile

s Atlas? why isn't he with you?" as if on cue, a boy with olive-green eyes walked in,

n the prince's arm. "Sorry for the inconvenience caused by my daughte

ing to Leander she said, "Thank you, though I didn't get the chance to h

?" Gracia asked Leander, her

didn't want to be a bother. Gai looked

one more time to the Queen and

blue eyes follow the girl who was with her mother. He couldn't get his eyes off of her, it was like there was a magne

eyes "what was that all about? Are you reading a book to a child? since wh

d. "Atlas, how did you enjoy the soiree?" he as

gh I had someone to play with." Leander cock his head

n though he knew who Atlas was playi

think she is the sister of the girl you

, "let's go, mother, unless you have something else to

yal family sped through the road, soft cushions were

ra, the walls were painted dark, and not even a speck of dust could be seen on the walls of the castle, with white pillars having feathered creatures on them

t his hand for the Queen to take which she did before stepping down f

ts bowed their heads the moment they saw him

en chandelier hung on the ceiling. The ceiling was tall, way too tall. The ca

ree flew into the room. It stood on the floor in front of the prince, it metamorphosed itself into a boy. H

d as a sign of respect t

nd her name is Aurelia Clifton, watch over her and report to me. I don't know how you

advise you to injure yourself and let her see you. That will be all Apollo, off y

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