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Reality Sets In

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1569    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


that didn't make it any easier. My wolf was restless at the back of my mind, unable to sit still, but even he

he mansion style home of one of our esteemed warriors. I knew that both him and his wife were

ed myself to face my problems head on. Giving myself a m

on her doorstep but the clever girl didn't sa

om. I waited for her to follow me but before he could come into the room, I got up

t didn't say anything. Instead, she waited for me to get over my anxiety. I tried to say what

She asked and grabbed a pillow to sit more comfortably. Her baby b

it didn't make the decision any easier. It went against everything in my being but I knew it was necessary. Even my wolf agreed that even

who attacked us." I said, hoping that

kill them." She smiled and I noticed that she ha

unity to crush them. To let them go now would be a great disservice to all the deaths they had caused, both of the packs' and the human's. Letting them

m? In fact, why aren't we attacking them now?" She asked a

a, they listen to his leadership during a planned attack and we can't do that if our official alpha is bed bo

u can't let them get away. That will on

human children and left their bodies for us to find. Hum

?" Nat gaped, as surprised as

w the evidence

are you go

rogues, but I can. So, I'm offi

isn't here and we don't know

d and took a deep breath to calm myself down. "When I last talked to her, s

ave the ceremony with a c

dy exhausted my mind thinking about other options. To get rid of the rogues, we needed to at

you feel about her. She is already hesitant to trust you because of your playboy past. How is she e

t? I might be able to reconcile with her after some time but the lives that will be lost if we don't attack the wolves, they will never come back." My wolf agreed with me. He knew

when the time comes? What if you two are trapped with each other for eternity? What

the mother of my child and we don't have any romantic feelings towards each other. Which means that you will let go of me when you find your mate. I can't take that chance with any oth

s. You are deliberately jeopardising your re

kind of person would I be if I were to choose my relationship over the lives of hundreds of people under my care? What kind of person would want me to choose my

, what will happen if Zara comes back home and

." I whispered the last part. "What if the rogues randomly decide to kill her brother to send a messag

like a deer in headlights, as

trust you and I know that you'll be able to let go of the Luna title when y

f we can get rid of these rogues once and for all. But on one condition.

in my power to gi

oice to come back and be the rightful Luna herself. Let her know what's happening and let

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