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Contracted to the unknown billionaire

Chapter 2 Weird

Word Count: 1057    |    Released on: 04/07/2022

ls out there because I know you are a responsible man. And I thought you raised your girl well. But I was wrong." he said. His heart raced in his chest as he looked at his phone, he wil

tually knocking on my door? Can't believe this." she mumbled. Queen has been dramatic had told her friends who wished to visit to only come in the evenings, and there someone was knocking on her door at 6:30. She got out of bed, faced her mirror to see if she was good to go, and lastly, she turned on the light. Though she was feeling as to sleep, she had to sacrifice that. On reaching the door, she noticed the green t-shirt the person knocking was putting on. She wasn't able to see the person's face but she was quite familiar with the t-shirt. "Isn't that Jack's t-shirt?" she mumbled while opening the door. "Hello girl." Jack mentioned. "Good morning Jack," she said politely. "Surprised?" he asked. "Of cause yes, you've never visited me at this hour? And you rarely come to my apartment, you would have made a phone call as you always did. What changed?" she said. "Let's say I was missing you and wanted to see you." he said calmly. Queen was worried, she knew her brother will never visit her unless he had something important to tell her. "Well, I know that face and won't fall for that, what do you want me to do for you this time?" she asked while staring at him, with her legs placed above her foot carpet. "Yes, you are right. I can't hide it away from you. You are the only one who can save my name at this moment," he said. He was breathing so fast, this got Queen nervous, she widely opened the door for him and asked him to take a seat, he sat and she went into the kitchen to get him something to drink. "Here's a cup of coffee please have that and stop breathing fast, you are getting me nervous," she said as she was shivering. Jack to

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