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Word Count: 2995    |    Released on: 26/06/2022

ere because I still need you as my wife. How can I take you back

willing to go with y

ess you have just agreed to go with me because you can

was all

nd we go." He chuckled soft

" I looked

have destroyed it when you refused to go with me but thank God the lion made you scre

in a place that looked like a deser

when he landed." This

t so hot?

to you because we were still on Earth but since we are now her

e you brought me?"

" But I haven't said anything." I pointed. " Yes you haven't said anything but you have thought of it. Some of us here we read peopl

s. Oh my God! The place looked like a palace, I have to admit that I admired the pl

te opened right away. "Impressive! Thi

lace is going to be your prison from now on. No

e gate."I reminded myself as we walked inside the big hall that led to huge building where we found many p

aid smiling. " Congratulations son. You have finally made me pr

d woman his mother? Then who were those p

ere was no one in real sense. You were just seeing i

" A lot of questions ran through my mind but this t

d up and joined the dance floor to cerebrate us. Though everything was going perfectly for them, for me I wasn't enjoying any bit of it. I was still not able to believe

re at clouds every morning from my window but this time I was in a strange place surrounded b

mercy on me.

on my legs but couldn't. Maybe I was so exhausted? Yes I was. Anu looked back when he noticed that I wasn't fo

d with the pictures of bats. This reminded me of my tattoo and I thought I could check.

he bathroom

near the bedroom's window. " But there is no mirror."he teased.

what I wanted to d

an't you check on your tattoo from here. This is the dressing mirror, that's also a mirror and the other one is a mirror too." He s

w and I have every right over you. Do you really want to check

re he could do something. I knew he was

od and sometimes rude. "Okay. Let's go have a sho

? I can't bath wit

en have a shower with your husband. A

do anything to me but he didn't instead he made his way to the bathroom and after a while he came back wrapped in a very white towel. " You may

red that I shouldn't be smiling no matter what happens. This man

ams? It's all my fault, and sometimes I think that maybe am cursed. Bron left me at the altar without saying any word to me and for that matter I had to marry this stranger who is

least say something. Abuse me if you want to but don't

be asleep because when I got a pillow and blanket to sleep on the couch, he immediate

ince I was feeling

t want to eat anything because I never trusted those people yet I was

ince?" I asked them because

really is?" One of them asked. "Yes, I d

I didn't marry him willingly and neither was I forced to marry him. It just happened suddenly and unexpectedly but I didn'

eyes still but I could see he had woken up and was trying to give me hard time just, I could see his lips curving to give out a smile so I turned back to leave him but he grabbed my d

guess, right?" He asked looking at me which made me shy away and smile at his rubbish. He was really talking rubbish. As

from your bedroom?"I as


together." He replied leaning towa

ou will leave this room whenever you feel you need to? This is my h

I just asked him." I

great opportunity to call my family and inform them about e

e a mobile phone or landline phone. "Now

e possible? Why did you leave when you know my life is in great danger. You said you will never leave me alone and now you have brok

joy before he added " but unf

to see him and found

re. I thought you were

tunately you woke me up."he sai

e to your house to inform your parents that you a

friend of yours." "My tattoo is my friend. You can't believe it's a magi

to have a look at that magical tattoo of y

ng black hair from my ne

t wanted to show me your beautiful body, right?" He said coming closer to me. I was just wondering if he was telling the truth

dear, call me husband inste

Bat to send him home, Anu woke up from his nap and when I called my frien

if not, why did he respond to my quest

I asked Anu and waited for his harsh reac

ut I hated that name though I nev

before I faint

"Oh you are up. How do you feel now?" He asked as if he cares. I ignored his q

e yesterday. You made me yell at Bron's parents so that they can call off the wedding. Wow! Congrat

t that he didn't say anything to you, that he just listened to his parents, trust me he wanted to stand up for you but I didn't

nted me

he could say anything his

y. "I have come to inform you that you shou

onded. "Let me take my daughter-in-law with m

med by an invisible creature. I only thing I heard was the way that creature breathed. After the meals we went back to our

r-in-law is feeding and why?" I guessed something was not right. I needed

bathroom and sat on the bed next to me. "

never shared a bed with anyone so this sound

e this bed like a coupl

ll understand everything don't worry so much." Smiling," I meant sharing everythi

l don't understand why you tricked me into marrying you. I know you know that I don't hav

hat he would leave me but it seems m

ds me. "Yes. You tricked me into marrying you and here you are demanding for your rights as my husband. You don't even care to a

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1 Chapter 1 LIFE IN THE JUNGLE2 Chapter 2 ESCAPE3 Chapter 3 TOMORROW'S MY WEEDING4 Chapter 4 WEDDING!5 Chapter 5 AT MY IN-LAW'S HOUSE6 Chapter 6 DREAM7 Chapter 7 THE TRUTH8 Chapter 8 REALLY 9 Chapter 9 LONGEST NIGHT10 Chapter 10 MY BLOOD!11 Chapter 11 YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!12 Chapter 12 MY SHADOW13 Chapter 13 MIKE14 Chapter 14 LOOKING FOR MOTHER15 Chapter 15 ARTIE IS DEAD!16 Chapter 16 ANU'S REMARRIAGE17 Chapter 17 SAY YOU LOVE HIM18 Chapter 18 COOKING COMPETITION.19 Chapter 19 REGAINING MY MEMORY.20 Chapter 20 DAD'S MESSENGER21 Chapter 21 OH NO!22 Chapter 22 ARTIE IS PREGNANT.23 Chapter 23 SWALLOWED UP IN A SWIMMING POOL24 Chapter 24 ANU'S GRANDPA, NIKKI25 Chapter 25 SMITH IS MISSING!26 Chapter 26 SKELETON!27 Chapter 27 HELP ME28 Chapter 28 PEMA'S CURSE29 Chapter 29 ARTIE IN THE MERMAID'S TUMMY30 Chapter 30 MIKE TO MARRY 31 Chapter 31 THE MARK32 Chapter 32 I DON'T BELIEVE YOU33 Chapter 33 STOPPING THE WEDDING34 Chapter 34 TRAGEDY35 Chapter 35 NOBLE IS DEAD!36 Chapter 36 I CAN'T DO THIS37 Chapter 37 ANU KNOWS EVERYTHING!38 Chapter 38 MIKE WANTS REVENGE39 Chapter 39 WHERE'S EVERYONE.40 Chapter 40 OH NO! IT'S TIME.41 Chapter 41 WHERE'S OUR SECOND SON 42 Chapter 42 DON'T DARE KILL MY BABIES!43 Chapter 43 IMPOSSIBLE!44 Chapter 44 TWO ARTIE(S).45 Chapter 45 BATTLE46 Chapter 46 GRANDMOTHER47 Chapter 47 BREAKING THE CURSE 48 Chapter 48 HARD DECISION49 Chapter 49 SMITH'S IN COMMA50 Chapter 50 FINALLY MANI IS BACK51 Chapter 51 LOST MEMORY52 Chapter 52 MANU53 Chapter 53 WHO'S AFTER MY BABIES AGAIN54 Chapter 54 MISS CUCU55 Chapter 55 MY SON'S56 Chapter 56 MISSION57 Chapter 57 THE TRUTH58 Chapter 58 ANU 59 Chapter 59 HOW COULD YOU60 Chapter 60 ANU'S MOM61 Chapter 61 THE SPELL62 Chapter 62 AT THE SEA63 Chapter 63 A GIRL64 Chapter 64 WAITING FOR THEM65 Chapter 65 MEET CARLOS66 Chapter 66 ALONE67 Chapter 67 MIKE'S DAUGHTERS68 Chapter 68 HAPPINESS ABOUNDS69 Chapter 69 WELCOME HOME70 Chapter 70 POSSESSED71 Chapter 71 DAD'S DEATH (ANU IS A NEW KING)