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Author: Onyemaobi


Word Count: 1926    |    Released on: 15/06/2022

t really lik

town’s girl having lived the mos

a dewey winter morning. She loved the animals,

d roads of Illinois to catch the

old. Deep down, she still felt like she was, at least hoped that she was. That s

ually the most mediocre. Olivia spent her whole life behind a book

sides him, she was as alone as one can be. She waved her lo

nds, she stumbled forward, strands of

n braids, or a messy bun which was ironical because she’d spend minutes

because getting to work in the morning

the driver whom she’d known since she got here with her aunt sometime ago. Her aunt who now lived separately,

nto the bus. “Morning Ham” She made her way to the se

s of her striped office shirt and wrinkled her thigh long skirt. There was not mu

thought if she had the money, she would ha

irts she’d sewn by herself. She wasn’t living below averag

. But it was life, and sometimes it surprises us. Liv had wild dreams growing

wing up. The smut that gave her thrill and made her timbers shiver. However, she never really got to feel the real thing, most

p. Never again, she told herself. She’d rather read the terribly plotted wattpad romance stories

she felt about the city. She didn’t detest because this placed housed her,

k bank holiday that had been given. And even after such break and a million

screen to see, mum. It was Agatha, her aunt who was more or

off their summer trip, her mum and dad were involved in a ghastly accident. She

any more on that past. Because she always had Agatha

irlhood, she also had her aunt. For the big moments and even the smallest, th

t they talked everyday. And though Olivia neve

“How are you, Liv?” There was some noise behind her but she

ally, she swayed side to side. “Did you catch the bus?” “Yes, i did” Olivia replied, implying that that wasn’t always the case. “I

iv closed her eyes to those words, taking comfort and solace in such assurances.

“If you were here, i would give you some. It’s a shame you didn’t come here f

boring. I don’t want you forgetting your home” She scoffed, lea

the bridge of her nose, resting on her knuckles, she li

test edition of Love the Sin, a novel by Onyemaobi, in her hands but she

ir, with an arched back, waiting for her stop. And the moment the bus came

. “See you later” She filled her lungs with the crisp Chicago mo

as also a crowd swarming through the door, and whi

boldly said Archers. Hefting out her ID, Oliver paced towards the front

ugh the dispersing crowds. “Hi” “Liv” She suddenly h

ands down for the nth time that day. “Son of a bitch” She muttered beneath her lips, ready to pick a

least he would have heard her books fall to the ground. She leane

ched out to the last book on the ground


guy?” He pointed to the exact one in a shimmering black tuxedo and a clipboard in his arms. L

fuck is

ike he had no idea that the phone might be the worst way to reach Liv. She shook her head, walking past him. Damien hefted the mic to his lips as he t

for a person she didn’t even know. Well, she did know his type. They filled the wo

walked through the doors, holding up

amien Alexa

e a shrill whisper as she looked back and forth. “Archer?” She pushed a

“Since Hank died.” Her brows collapsed at s

the company will be taking over. You should really check your e

the kind that erupted in her stomach and she looked away, and

g her throat and Alli stretched o

hed her chest, knowing the only reason she felt this way w

it was Al

didn’t already hate him, which she did, she


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