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Love with monsters

Love with monsters

Author: Cor

Chapter 1 Tu An has no idea what happens after death.

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 03/06/2022


ninth day that Tu A

insecure, fro

he still found himself in

; in reality, that's nothing more than a few s

t were

ody to the stream's edge, snatched a large

body before jumping into the

the locals don't eat or catch fish, so the fish liv

r, which became late at night, and br

k, with no light,

ticks with mushr

corner of the house o

as bleedi

pt the stench of

the blood, but smelling the i

be aware that this nasty primitiv

as probably aware of, but he refused to acknowledge it;

him when he opened his eye

ty-nine days, and he is well aware that he can not only see

shed the water clo

venient to th

ater and drank it without

mped right next to it, put it i

didn't have too

but it is not as disgu

me of the fruit h

h like him, and he a

icking to the tongue, but Tu An still

e water to the si

dge of the house, c

e as numerous

tled the for

ound i

probably summer, s

here won't be a

house is still awake tonig

eyes, his eyes were

ht, causing Tu An to ju

was also the time when T

, but the mind is

help but think

t from t

from th

monsters started a 23-ye

enty-two years old, h

e in the woods since

nitarian conflict z

vice-captain after sixteen

it's all

xactly as he

illed by an

est, but he was strangel

s willing to give hi

d the peaceful and peaceful years in the old and

dea what happe

n the air, the pain from the body, m

his eyes

ed and

let out a few

because at that time he no lon

dentity a

hat after one day he

ays to perceive the w

imagined, nor been ta

rn world has airships,

re alien monste

ery forei

ve together w

monster is a half-huma

mal ears, cla

as a human

ere live in

s, invasions, and

ame was the day

a prisoner, b

e amount of time

were all taken as bait to catch wil

ill the main activi

lucky t

a healthy slave, nor did he understand how h

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