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The queen of the Moon

Chapter 4 Three

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 31/05/2022

hen I saw myself in a room. How did I get here from the forest? But the

d and the rickety wardrobe with doors falli

ress at me. I managed to catc

two minutes' I mocked as I unfolded the dress. It was a black frock that reached knee length. Thankfully it was

she turned and walked away. I took that hint and followed behind her. We climbed up a short

m to stop what they were doing and stare and it made me uneasy. But they went about their tasks normally and I was grateful for that. F

ered something under her breath before a

eld napkins. I followed behind her as we walked to the table. Other girls

s were not speaking. They were moving and doing tasks but there was no sound from them. The girls were leaving and I f

nt to myself and I continued moving. There seemed to be an order to serve the meal and I ju

und here" I looked around and all eye

e," he asked. The ma

aring the little thin

but his advanced hearing mad

e. Weren't we all wolves?

border" I looked up. It was the elder from

et go immediately and I moved over to the elder. My wrists hurt and so I rub

s food while I just stood there. I was called out in the middle of the meal and given ic

earlier. My name? I didn't want to be traced back to my old pack. "Olivia" that was the name I was going with. Anna w

appear anywhere the men are gathered. You will clean the least

rooms. Retire to your room and do not come out until tomorrow" the girl who had given me the ice

wolf" she looked at me like

Are we not all wolve

I'm human" Human? I had

ious but we are not allowed to be noisy outside above, only here"

the king greatly. Well not enough to die bu

respassed" she nodd

kind of luck" more like I was the most unlucky pers

her and walked to my room. My new life was going to suck but at least I woul

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1 Chapter 1 Prologue 2 Chapter 2 One3 Chapter 3 Two4 Chapter 4 Three5 Chapter 5 Four6 Chapter 6 Five7 Chapter 7 Six8 Chapter 8 Seven9 Chapter 9 Eight10 Chapter 10 Nine11 Chapter 11 Ten12 Chapter 12 Eleven 13 Chapter 13 Twelve 14 Chapter 14 Thirteen 15 Chapter 15 Fourteen16 Chapter 16 Fifteen17 Chapter 17 Sixteen18 Chapter 18 Seventeen 19 Chapter 19 Eighteen20 Chapter 20 Nineteen21 Chapter 21 Twenty 22 Chapter 22 Twenty One 23 Chapter 23 Twenty Two24 Chapter 24 Twenty Three25 Chapter 25 Twenty Four26 Chapter 26 Twenty Five27 Chapter 27 Twenty Six28 Chapter 28 Twenty Seven29 Chapter 29 Twenty Eight30 Chapter 30 Twenty Nine31 Chapter 31 Thirty 32 Chapter 32 Thirty One33 Chapter 33 Thirty Two34 Chapter 34 Thirty Three35 Chapter 35 Thirty Four36 Chapter 36 Thirty Five37 Chapter 37 Thirty Six38 Chapter 38 Thirty Seven39 Chapter 39 Thirty Eight40 Chapter 40 Thirty Nine41 Chapter 41 Forty42 Chapter 42 Forty One43 Chapter 43 Forty Two44 Chapter 44 Forty Three45 Chapter 45 Forty Four46 Chapter 46 Forty Five47 Chapter 47 Forty Six48 Chapter 48 Forty Seven49 Chapter 49 Forty Eight50 Chapter 50 Forty Nine51 Chapter 51 Fifty52 Chapter 52 Fifty One53 Chapter 53 Fifty Two54 Chapter 54 Fifty Three55 Chapter 55 Fifty Four56 Chapter 56 Fifty Five57 Chapter 57 Fifty Six58 Chapter 58 Fifty Seven59 Chapter 59 Fifty Eight60 Chapter 60 Fifty Nine61 Chapter 61 Sixty62 Chapter 62 Sixty One63 Chapter 63 Sixty Two64 Chapter 64 Sixty Three65 Chapter 65 Sixty Four66 Chapter 66 Sixty Five67 Chapter 67 Sixty Six68 Chapter 68 Sixty Seven 69 Chapter 69 Sixty Eight70 Chapter 70 Sixty Nine71 Chapter 71 Seventy72 Chapter 72 Seventy One73 Chapter 73 Seventy Two74 Chapter 74 Seventy Three75 Chapter 75 Seventy Four76 Chapter 76 Seventy Five77 Chapter 77 Seventy Six78 Chapter 78 Seventy Seven79 Chapter 79 Seventy Eight80 Chapter 80 Seventy Nine81 Chapter 81 Eighty82 Chapter 82 Eighty One83 Chapter 83 Eighty Two84 Chapter 84 Eighty Three85 Chapter 85 Eighty Four86 Chapter 86 Eighty Five87 Chapter 87 Eighty Six88 Chapter 88 Epilogue 89 Chapter 89 Bonus Chapter One90 Chapter 90 Bonus Chapter Two91 Chapter 91 Bonus Chapter Three92 Chapter 92 Bonus Chapter Four93 Chapter 93 Bonus Chapter Five