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Project E

Chapter 6 The Thunder Swordsmen

Word Count: 3155    |    Released on: 29/05/2022

gate in the far distance and suddenly he stops. He looked up into the sky and sees

t something strange is happening. He's a thunde

ono symbolizing thunder and lightning bolt. He also has a nichirin blad

because of the darkness. He once again look up and go back to where he was looking at. The fron

hat do kind things and I will find peace... Yes- I find peace... But my life is ruined when he died, I did nothing when he died, my masted is one of the few

that he's in a quiet place and senses no people around, he suddenly senses two people behind him running towards him with there swords out. "We al

y both swing their swords right at the thunder swordsman. The thunder

it has blood on it. "Too shallow... Tsk!! But I manage to swing my sword right at their waist, they're sure are fast and strong, but they're now probably weak of wh

need to be careful not to use my trump card," the thunder swordsman sai

Oh yeah of course our name, my name is Woshi and this is Geri, we are one of the powerful members of the-- oh yea

king your on about? You both nearly killed me? If you're saying that I should join your group or whatever is this called I am not joining! You both are completely out of

shi said as he flew towards the thunder swordsman. Geri is right behind him

r swordsman lit up thunder color around his body and sudden

Geri and Woshi flew at him and quickly their swords collided

m three. The two big swordsmans quickly flew back wounded in the shoulders. The

one of the thunder swordsmen," the thunder swordsmen said who is named Kaminari

nd he's not even wounded when that thunderstruck at us three," Geri

er to Geri. "Yeah! Geri's right! You should both retreat or else," Kaminari

s guard down. "You both can't beat me in that state, you both will lose your lives in no ho

l live in the days of peace, but we leave in suffering," Woshi said furi

same faith as you! Help them rise! Here's the thing, probably both of you at a young age no one helps you! Don't forget that you live in this world to do good as possible so that their faith doesn't go t

alive, they didn't say to my father that is the place, my father was a swordsman, when he go there he never came back and there must be money to give the heads to us if my dad can't didn't come back alive, they said

nder swordsmen. Geri swings it down but the thunder s

d is destroyed making big cracks on it. Kaminari Raiu is holding his sword in his

ake more people suffer, I will stop this war once in for all, and ki... Kill these two," Kaminari Raiu said in his mind as he

n just a small amount of time, good thing I use the thunder strike and power up my body, or else I would be dead.

was above them. Suddenly an Unknown black coat swordsman shows up behind Kaminari and kicked him in th

toward Geri and Woshi. Geri looked to his left and sees the thunder swordsmen

ous place, I will use that dangerous move if I have to," Kaminari Raiu said in his

here's should be no casualties," the unknown dark coat swordsm

g. The wood and debris started going up. Thunderstrike him and suddenly he's standing. Yellow color

pulled out his sword but it was too late. Kaminari Raiu flew towards them faster than

getting pushed. Kaminari Raiu twists his body and spins in the middle

Kaminari swing his sword in the air and pulled back his sword and kick Geri in the ba

n his right hand. "You! We suffer here! The heads of the west throw us like we are not their people! They made us

nd us but empty houses, abandoned, I assume that... You all, you

ed. "I'm sorry for all of your people's losses... I know that I'm in no place to understand

ve to kill your friend, because for a specific reason... He killed my superior back in the day and I will never forget the face of that

was still a light post around working. He feels pea

the east main village. It's a three-story house that has three bathrooms on every floor

ut your wife in! So what do you want for today? Eat some fresh dinner that I just bought or get

s into the house. He walks past his father by walking to the ri

the kitchen I will leave some food and I will sleep on the couch." Uroski Shima said as he goes

two doors. He opened the door to his left and sees t

he bed. He quickly falls asleep because he's so tired

the left opened a small distance up. He reaches the door.

that there are two more doors and a window in front of him and another behind him. He smile

n front of the round table. "Now, please. Who accepts my offer

e out! You guys are old, so if you let me control the west peacefully your lives will be forgiven, and not only that y

er head said who is on the right side of Zuo Kakishi. He goes towards the hea

ust because of you I am here, and now I will kill you for good and not bother my soul!!

pted because Zuo Kakishi decapitated him. He let go of the man and slowly falls to the groun

much better, it's been a long time since I feel that relaxation in my body, so you're left huh! And yo

rs left behind... So that I can convince them that you can take over the lead, you also have that rank so there's should be no big of a deal, my na

ft. He smiles as he walks towards the door. "I'll be waiting for the good news tomorrow... If you lied to me... Everything you love will be gone

e around in the capital except for the four and the two

serious. "Jeez, calm down... It's mission accomplished we can wait tomorrow for the announcement, and if he betrayed us we will take over

rns around. "To find Geri and Woshi, and help them talk to that thunder Swordsmen," Zuo Kakishi said as he vanished in a

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