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CEO's Unloved Wife

Chapter 3 miss you

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 05/08/2022


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een able to meet the person, and I also haven’t heard from Harley still. Th

e staring up at the ceiling. My phone suddenly beeps, and I lazily pick it up from the couch, unlocking it. A message pops on the screen. ‘Meet m

the screen again. Who is this person, and what does he or she wants? That’s the questions I keep asking


ng of it. He keeps asking himself who could’ve sent it, but there

s messy, but still looks cute on him though. He takes another glance at

nd heads straight to the parking lot downstairs, where

t’s late in the evening, the drive is smooth and he arrives quite early. He park

to the mountain. Seconds slowly ticks into min

r voice he will always recognize, even in his deep sleep sounds from behind him, and he slowly clenches his fists as an

” he laughs sarcastically. He sh

ve enough time to spare,” he question

story to tell you…” he turn

now that. Do you want to know what happened?”

you. Do you think you can mess with me and go scot-free? Never! All I ever did was to help you, bu

r my fault that Harley fell in love with me! It wasn’t my fault

cting me to watch you take the woman I ever loved, right? Do you know how long we have been together? I have

ill think that you have the right to be

running his fingers through his hair. It was never his fault, he was just trying to save the family, and it wasn

with that…” Jayden’s eyes slowly widens in sh

eezes on the spot. For some minutes, the whole world stops wor

vably. Of course, he is still f

been making her believe that I saved her… she has been living her life, serving me. I was like her god…she did everything I asked her to do, but you came from nowhere and think you coul

What did I ever do to you? I tough we were friends?” tears trickles down his cheeks as he glares

ed me. She is supposed to be mine, I love her and she loved me, but because of you, everything changed!

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