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1 Chapter 1 Our Relationship2 Chapter 2 Her Best Friend Is Back3 Chapter 3 We Are Not in Touch4 Chapter 4 Why So Unsatisfied 5 Chapter 5 Looked Backward6 Chapter 6 You're Too Cute7 Chapter 7 Jealous, Discontented8 Chapter 8 Attending School Anniversary9 Chapter 9 Noemi, You Really Don't Have a Boyfriend 10 Chapter 10 Have You Admitted Our Relationship 11 Chapter 11 Let's Date12 Chapter 12 Why Should She Still Think About Jeffery 13 Chapter 13 Met in a Restaurant14 Chapter 14 Jealousy15 Chapter 15 Eat Crab16 Chapter 16 Noemi, Can You Just Give It to Me 17 Chapter 17 Being So Lovey-Dovey Early in the Morning 18 Chapter 18 The Onions Burn Her Eyes19 Chapter 19 Does He Have a Physical Condition 20 Chapter 20 The First One21 Chapter 21 Wh-What Are You Doing 22 Chapter 22 I Beg You23 Chapter 23 It Was Redundant24 Chapter 24 Speak of the Devil25 Chapter 25 He Wants to Examine It26 Chapter 26 Kenley's Doubt27 Chapter 27 Live a Better Life28 Chapter 28 Treat to a Meal29 Chapter 29 Who Does the Code Name Belong To 30 Chapter 30 Raylee31 Chapter 31 Sensitive Raylee32 Chapter 32 Flutter Around33 Chapter 33 It's All About the Appearance34 Chapter 34 The Man With a Sweet Tooth35 Chapter 35 Depart to the Zoo36 Chapter 36 Jeffery's Testing37 Chapter 37 Hayden's Deep Thoughts38 Chapter 38 Back to Grandmother's House39 Chapter 39 Attending Party40 Chapter 40 She's the Evil Queen41 Chapter 41 Dilon Dylan 42 Chapter 42 Come To My Place Tonight43 Chapter 43 No Right to Refuse44 Chapter 44 Frankie's Test45 Chapter 45 To Have Ulterior Motives46 Chapter 46 Jealousy47 Chapter 47 First Time to See Him Angry48 Chapter 48 Hospital Why Not 49 Chapter 49 Almost Found Out50 Chapter 50 Two People Hugging51 Chapter 51 The Wrong Timing52 Chapter 52 Proposal53 Chapter 53 Old Friends54 Chapter 54 What are you gonna do 55 Chapter 55 Being Attacked56 Chapter 56 Do Not Marry Him57 Chapter 57 Despised Herself 58 Chapter 58 The Engagement59 Chapter 59 She Fainted60 Chapter 60 Coming out to play61 Chapter 61 Normal Clothes62 Chapter 62 The Rainbow63 Chapter 63 A Group Of People64 Chapter 64 Help65 Chapter 65 Not Everything In This World Is Clear66 Chapter 66 A Handsome Guy67 Chapter 67 Going Crazy68 Chapter 68 Pick Raylee Up69 Chapter 69 The Troublemaker70 Chapter 70 Suspension71 Chapter 71 A Kid's Photo72 Chapter 72 I Promise You73 Chapter 73 It's None of Your Business74 Chapter 74 Illusion75 Chapter 75 A Complacent Smile76 Chapter 76 Hurt Each Other77 Chapter 77 Going Out78 Chapter 78 You're Disgusting79 Chapter 79 An Embarrassing Meeting80 Chapter 80 Where is Noemi 81 Chapter 81 No spicy82 Chapter 82 The hands under the table83 Chapter 83 Servility84 Chapter 84 Force85 Chapter 85 The second challenge86 Chapter 86 Go to work87 Chapter 87 Honorific title88 Chapter 88 Cafeteria89 Chapter 89 Rich90 Chapter 90 Clean office91 Chapter 91 Pick up Raylee 92 Chapter 92 Keep quilt while eating93 Chapter 93 Strange taste94 Chapter 94 Maggie95 Chapter 95 Being noticed96 Chapter 96 Mad97 Chapter 97 Reverses98 Chapter 98 The only man she loves99 Chapter 99 Lies 100 Chapter 100 What's wrong with Noemi