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Deathly Vengeance

Chapter 2 Patience

Word Count: 935    |    Released on: 19/05/2022

des, just like most pe

e was a twenty two years old lady, and yet this moment she was acting like a kid; blushing and smiling to herself. She

as she checked the bathroom a

she saw him sitting in the

, and she felt him stiffen. He was probably shy

er for you".she said, and

ou're wearing so little". He flung a coat across her shoulders. She smi

threw her face the other side. She always knew h

id to the ot

briefly at Ava. ”Close friend". He replied and

ife' came out rather stiffly, like

a said, and stretched her

“Nice to meet you too". Jenny repl

with that. Could you g

st freshen up". She walked away, and the

rlotte said as soon as

he only one'.

nt downstairs for breakfast, but there was no one in the dini

couldn't find him, but on getting to the garden, she s

my husband?". Jenny aske

arlotte replied, then resumed her discu

e disliked her so much, but she

. Since no one replied, she sat down besides Charlotte, but s

r problem?". Charlotte asked

? From the first day you met me, you've been acting coldly towards me. Tell me what

ped talking as Ava held her hands, and scratched at her palm

tered softly. ”I

se...". He gripped her by the shoulders, shaking her slightly. ”We would soon get what we want. We would soon get our revenge. Patie

x years. Then we finally found them.. I had to be patient for a year a

want it to. Exercise a little bit more patience. Also, tr

hom? Never

ays? We don't want her running off to her parents, crying that m

my word". She replied in annoyance, wa

e on her".

mine". Ava replied and Aiden glared at

't consider her his wife — was. She was sitting do

e called o

I want to know, please".Aiden's fist s clenched and for a moment, he lost his

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