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Awesome Wife Shake Off The Jerk

Awesome Wife Shake Off The Jerk


Chapter 1 His unloved wife

Word Count: 1813    |    Released on: 07/05/2022

's P

s unloved Wife!"Fiona smirked cynica

t I have worked so hard to perfect my marriage with President Paxton Gates, the heir of an aristocratic family in India. I was well prepared to face my malic

iage. Anyways, I'm always here to listen to the tales of her unfeeling marriage. Go on, enter

taut. Her eyes cornered and I could see her look at me from head

w what you are here to talk about" she smirked an

d do. No doubt, my sister is more elegant than I am and

do whatever you ask of me but please let go of my husband, do not sleep with him. Please, I beg of you. It is a very shameful thing for us to sleep with the same ma

she was really having a rethink an

your own husband" I added, close to tears. I even went as

ders squared. "Wouldn't it be more fun if I have your hus

se, I know what you can do but please let

l sisterhood give me the power and position I want? Will si

, kindly make use of the exit" she bl

ng in my eyes. She wasn't gonna let go of m

Gates, the CEO of Pax and Co, a popular invest

e the luckiet of them all. I have loved my husband since I was 10 and I had to work on myself f

th crust, we are both from two different worlds. H

vored by God or if the God of f

ate by his mother who wouldn't stop pressuring him to get a wife and in order to scare his d

he woke up the next day only to see hims

have a high reputation. Old Nana Gates is an old fashioned woman and the eldest in the Gates

. However, this might turn out to be a bad

mention how he loathes me. He hated me for existing, he blamed me on trapping him and depriving him of

occasions and pleaded with her not to have anything to do with my husband. I believed in

got worried about where he spends his night at but I found no answers and that was w


r face. I put on a smile and walk out of Fiona's e

at was a new sexy lingerie

ove when he makes sex with me. I've never enjoyed what it feels like..but I need the chance to carry a baby no matter what!" I cried out in my car. My hold on the lingerie tightened. It


ad a quick bath and changed into the sexy lingerie. I sprayed myself a decent perfume. I

nd yet, he we

o say how lower

g the hope that he w

hameless sexy li

my room towards the direction of our bedroom, our matrimonial room. I was surpri

s no one inside. The erotic sounds only intensify. Then there was a sharp breathing noise. I moved to see what happ

od! Paxt

, I nee

ermost part of the room which is w

was, I know what sound is

happen!. My body could not control itself and I wa

eness veraciously into another w

even aware of my presence. They continue fucking like rabbits, making sweet sounds t

bout my elder sister? She is still your wife! If she

etter if she c

my sister, even tho

a worthless barren slut. If not for the fact that I have made promises to old Nana, I would have kicked her out

them c

ich made them aware of her presence. They didn't eve

ed everyth

in his eyes while my beloved sis



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1 Chapter 1 His unloved wife 2 Chapter 2 Bye, President Paxton!3 Chapter 3 The Proposal 4 Chapter 4 Planning vengeance 5 Chapter 5 Married to the crippled tycoon 6 Chapter 6 Want to look sexy!7 Chapter 7 A new wife8 Chapter 8 You think I don't deserve9 Chapter 9 Ask Paxton 10 Chapter 10 Taking responsibility 11 Chapter 11 Take care of my kids12 Chapter 12 You're not our Mummy!13 Chapter 13 Unfilial son!14 Chapter 14 You think he's a joke 15 Chapter 15 You don't have to find me16 Chapter 16 I want to divorce17 Chapter 17 Fiona is a fraudster 18 Chapter 18 Lovely mistake19 Chapter 19 Cat and rat20 Chapter 20 He is my husband 21 Chapter 21 Petty person 22 Chapter 22 Stones over diamond 23 Chapter 23 Pleasing Ella24 Chapter 24 Don't treat me!25 Chapter 25 Our mother, not a nanny 26 Chapter 26 Mummy, Don't leave!27 Chapter 27 None of your business 28 Chapter 28 Other side of Nathan29 Chapter 29 Hot possessiveness 30 Chapter 30 Stuck with him31 Chapter 31 He is not crippled!32 Chapter 32 You hate me 33 Chapter 33 I earn peanuts!34 Chapter 34 The last test!35 Chapter 35 Awesome Twins Mommy 36 Chapter 36 He is the Young Master 37 Chapter 37 Paxton, you're doomed!38 Chapter 38 He can walk!39 Chapter 39 Daddy you can walk!40 Chapter 40 A better man!41 Chapter 41 Ella42 Chapter 42 Teasing her43 Chapter 43 Ella44 Chapter 44 Key to her heart45 Chapter 45 Ella46 Chapter 46 You're fired47 Chapter 47 The intermidiary 48 Chapter 48 Yasmine!49 Chapter 49 I'm safe in the most unsafe place50 Chapter 50 Ella51 Chapter 51 Kiss or not52 Chapter 52 I want to talk to you 53 Chapter 53 I want to talk to you54 Chapter 54 Does Paxton eat you out 55 Chapter 55 First night together 56 Chapter 56 If anything, you're everything 57 Chapter 57 Started dating 58 Chapter 58 He treats me well59 Chapter 59 Tear it!60 Chapter 60 His queen 61 Chapter 61 His queen 62 Chapter 62 His queen 63 Chapter 63 First attack 64 Chapter 64 Second atttack65 Chapter 65 Get out!66 Chapter 66 A wench!67 Chapter 66 A wench!68 Chapter 67 The party69 Chapter 68 All for you70 Chapter 69 Don't see me this way