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Pursuit for love

Chapter 4 Khloe’s past

Word Count: 1059    |    Released on: 03/05/2022

living room when she received a call from Liam. “Hello my little princess.” “Hey, who gave you the right to call me, you don't have the right to call me,” Khloe said in anger. “I know, no

tairs. “You are now already, I was on my way to your room,” Jane said. “Thanks mom, I can't find Neil. Has he gone out?” “No idea, I think he is stressed up because Mariah refused to sign the divorce papers,” “She should be ashamed of herself, keeping a man tied to her even after letting her know that he wasn't interested in her anymore,” “She is a prostitute and all she wants is to get my son’s money, but she won't have a penny of it,” Jane yelled out. Comry was seated in a lounge bar not far from his home, the people in the surroundings knew him so well and they were amazed seeing him consume so much alcohol, on usual days, a bottle of alcohol was okay for him, but he was at his fifth bottle already, and he was drunk, his friend Fred who equally lived in the neighborhood, stepped into the bar, he needed a glass of wine to calm the stressful day he had at work, he had no idea the guy sitting at the corner of the bar was his best friend, he only noticed it was Comry when he saw the necklace he wore. He remembered the necklace as he was the one who offered it to him. “Isn't that Comry? I think I should go further.” Fred went further and discovered it was Comry, all surprised he asked what caused him to drink till that point. “You won't understand, I'm in trouble,” Comry said. “Even if you are in trouble, will drinking solve the problem? Please stop that and let's talk,” Fred said as he seized the bottle of wine away from him. “I think you don't understand what is going on………” Comry explained everything and though Fred knew how stressful it could be, he asked him not to stress himself. He paid the bills and helped Comry

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