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The orphan

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 23/04/2022

eks instead of two weeks he said , while the baby k

ack , good eveni

k, welcome back home

hope she didn't gives yo

t not much , she is just a gentle girl

, you are the best mother in the w

my son " says t

inside my room and r

something that is enough t

definitely get something out of thei

ng up and come back

e right back

let me change your Pam

other " kunle g

ack or you are just com

een a while

ng to greet me ", welco

oing ?, hope she is not giving proble

getting married, how long are you goi

wanted to have a good and permanent jo

d someone that will be helping m

rmanent job, after that i w

ve a girlfriend ?"

ne beautiful girl

ant to see how beautifu

l brings his girlfriend and Kunle carries baby Omotola

your night , how was Omotola d

d you yesterday, what h

pt off "

h me now , how are we going to

other job at hand

ing to the market to do menial job, at leas

rty six thousand and micro finance thirty thousand th

nts to take the mone

s gbade thirty thousand, give her yo

the contribution collect

r Kunle to come back from m

o mrs Gbade on

ome back on time "

what he bought from the market in the store and put the cooking ingredients in the kitchen, and the mother saw him , "Kunle you are back " aaked the mother ," yes mother " Kunle answered " i bought snacks f

unle " Ben aak

me go and call him to come and stay with baby Omotola

up so that we can go to his

ontribution collector's office, where they pay part out of the lo

otola troubles

laying, l only gave h

you and travelled

ting, someone knocks the door " who could that be , Kunl

the doorstep "

Sandra " sh

, i have come to check on baby Omotola " said Sandra. " good of you , how i

tola, see her cheek , it's coming out , mama thanks s

sy but God is assisting

for baby Omotola and for you

inlaw " says

hat did you buy for

oming, i will bring something

pecting what you prom

eally appreciate what you

on't forget your pro

er forget mama

you " says

ake care of baby Omotola today so that i

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