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Swordsman's Era

Chapter 5 The War!

Word Count: 3409    |    Released on: 07/04/2022


ightly. They are gradually becoming aware of the enemy's army. They also not

g the big trees at us... This is going to be a big one,"

e Heads of the village, he's getting angry b

eat all of the damn monsters," the General shouted loudly. He turned around, and the

aw behind it that the owl was a messenger owl. He promptly treated the owl, and after a few minutes, he was able to stop the bleeding, and the owl flew away. The traveler stood up and walked, pulling out

e looked around, perplexed as to why there was silence all around him. As he descended the tree, he felt the presence of Shikari Gakure, who had used a high version

ot the wrong intel!" thought Gak

onna be at the back line of the Darks... I'll destroy them all!" Gakushin Gakure rage

akure has received a teleporting message, according to the General. A

General inquires solemnly. S

kure, and I think he'll be destroying them starting

s prepared to attack the Barrier, but first he

ngle, with archers in the backs and on top of the walls in case the barrier is breached. The fron

and the samurai enter the village. They entered through the east's front gate. As the samurai walked

at technique you used to plant those many bombs in just one night," Shikari Gakure remarked.

the samurai and has no idea where the real him is. He already knows that the samurai's next ob

ing a large number of dead human souls as a result of their postures. Gakushin Gakure is still r

ated to the village's secret evacuation center

ft-right and middle waiting for the enemy, they also saw that there is more to come what behind the Dark armies are car

before they get near the left barrier on the left gate!" stated the mess

ase the barrier, only the ones that is in

Gakure remarked modestly. The General is waiting, and he can see the armies approaching

! We're going as soon as those explosions are done!" The General exclaimed

stop. "Is it okay, Shikari Gakure, if I kill the other Dark monster

Shin dashes to the front lines of the second a

arrying. As they opened the book, they began to speak. Shikari Gakure notices that five sold

et closer as time passes. The book suddenly lights up at the Dark mobs, and the five persons in the army all of a sudden looked up and their so

g magic, and if their heart isn't powerful e

both looked at the second army, they exchanged glances. He whirled around to face the Dark horde

Dark mob carrying a book, kill them, Sh

rier. They all come to a halt. The monsters screamed and slammed

its shoulder. The man on the monster's shoulder is wearing a hood and already has a katana o

He noticed that the Dark hordes had cleared out the entire forest, therefore he is now standing on a tree branch with his right hand touching the tree to hi

in Gakure, punching the tree w

that the explosion had sent hundreds of dark mobs flying. A massive black smoke erupted, and he saw a man e

bs are exploding around him on the battlefield. As soon as he lands, he grabs his sword and slaughters the Dark hordes he encounters. He swings

undreds of Dark mobs and they also flew because of the sheer force of what he did. The s

ed blade, which exploded loudly as it spun. They were able to eliminate around five hundred Dark mobs in a few sw

olding. The Dark mobs took a step backward. The Dark mobs are enraged be

because he didn't know what was going on and didn't want to fall there. The samurai likewise jumps an

it apart! The Dark mobs are falling..." the samurai thought fi

sides of the big fissure in the ground, which resembled a ravine. They flee to t

xclaimed as they hide in the forest. They withdraw their swords and the

," Gakushin Gakure said as they ran through the grassy path, through big tree th

t in the calm sea. The few swordsmen guarding the boat we

ld stop vomiting now, hahaha!" the old man ex

elieve he's under us!" A girl's voice stated as she turned a

down, soaked. The water began to drop as the swordsman nea

partner is fighting with them and has been assigned to plant bombs to prote

urai glanced out into the sea and saw nothing. Gakushin Gakure approached th

it is Gakushin Gakure. The passengers on the boat observed the Samurai and

samurai speculated. The samurai rises and fixes his appearance. People return

the day on a bed. She notices a n

another crack on her left arm. She manages to move her right hand after a few seconds, but her left hand crac

he is able to breathe and move her left arm. As blood dripped down the side of her

our left arm?" the nurse inquired as

e responds, heavy breathing. The nurse swiftly provides he

ed. The barrier may open at any time, and the

akure took off swiftly as they noticed the barrier opening. Shikari Gakure vanished

e dark army's backline in seconds. As soon as he appears in front of the two roaring cr

wordsman was hit in the chin by the monster, but it was only an afterimage. The monster smirked, but Shikari Gakure's aura appeared, and the monster looked to his left. He noticed the swordsma

ure in the eyes as if he had nothing to fear. He speaks in a modest

s of the Dark mob legion. There is a lot of yelling, shouting, and ev

century," the general thought as he t

n front of him, and he was struggling due to its overwhelming strength. Shin reacted swiftly, running and jumping and drawin

front of him, so he shifts to the left and swings his swor

ur men!" yelled the General as he charged the Dark hordes

globe and its end. The four Great Nations defended their castles in various sections of the East, West, North, and South, but they were all slaughtered by Dark mobs and D

re betrayed by their people, leaving only five living legends to protect the acknowledged swords kata

away region of the southeast. "So this is the story. The ancient languag

inquired. "Your my assistant here, gather every information you can get inside this gate they might be a

y must be cautious because they are far from home and have no idea how to distinguish between a

his old friend. Kishu, a swordsman from the civilization

s the demons counter. It's a special coat that pr

d their God's final words, and they resolve to stay in one spot. And it's a good thing they're all walled up in a hidden cave and in a hidden nat

The castle's capital. They had yet to get at their destinat

stated, walking straight and afraid. They look around the

Hit remarked, looking up to see a cut old banner on top of the castle. The

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1 Chapter 1 The Beginning 2 Chapter 2 The Risen of the Unknown Dark Mobs3 Chapter 3 The Rise of the Dark Swordsmans4 Chapter 4 Protect the Village5 Chapter 5 The War!6 Chapter 6 The Story of the Fallen Castle7 Chapter 7 The Armies Battle Between Darks and the Hidden Nation Returns8 Chapter 8 The Exile Clan Returns and the Unknown Ocean9 Chapter 9 The Throne of the King and the Professor 10 Chapter 10 The Dark Magic and the Rise of the Undeads11 Chapter 11 The Undeads and the Prime Energy Cubes12 Chapter 12 The Dark Swordsmens 13 Chapter 13 The Dark Dimensions14 Chapter 14 The New Gate and the Battle in the Far North15 Chapter 15 The Meeting of the Heads of the Village16 Chapter 16 The New Tech and the Dark God17 Chapter 17 The West Shira's and the Gigantic Monster with the Dark Shira's18 Chapter 18 The Dark Shira's and the Death of the Armies of the West19 Chapter 19 The Dead Swordsmens20 Chapter 20 The Myth Himself21 Chapter 21 The Showoff of the Kingdom of the Far NorthWest22 Chapter 22 The Kingdom and the Traitor23 Chapter 23 Shikari Gakure's Color and Monoke Gakure 24 Chapter 24 Visitors and the New Kingdom in the Far South25 Chapter 25 The Destroyed Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Far South26 Chapter 26 Kuro One of the Master's 27 Chapter 27 The New Kingdom28 Chapter 28 The Mighty Defenders and Kurosaki One of the Scythe Users29 Chapter 29 The Glitch Mobs and the Kingdom of Land and Sand30 Chapter 30 The Kingdom of Land and Sand and the Heads31 Chapter 31 The Glitch Mobs Return32 Chapter 32 The Glitch Mobs and the King of Kingdom Goddess33 Chapter 33 The Unknown Glitch Dimensional Realm34 Chapter 34 Hiroshi Gakure the Master and Monoke Gakure the Student of his35 Chapter 35 Hiroshi Gakure Part 136 Chapter 36 The Power of a Real Shira Swordsman37 Chapter 37 Hiroshi Gakure Part 238 Chapter 38 The Side of the Glitch Mobs and the Dark Mobs39 Chapter 39 The Leaders Actions40 Chapter 40 The Decisions of the Other Heads and the Dark Mob's and the Glitch Actions41 Chapter 41 The Information about the UnderGround Cities and the Ardoni's42 Chapter 42 The Alliance of the Glitch Mob and the Dark Mobs43 Chapter 43 The Dark Spells and the Returned of Unknown Swordsmans44 Chapter 44 The Heads and the Generals and the Answer of the King45 Chapter 45 The Rise of the Far Dangerous Undeads in the North46 Chapter 46 The Ninjas of the Unknown Village and the Rise of the Mutated Undeads of the North47 Chapter 47 Shin the Controlled Swordsman by the Darks and the Presence of the Spirit Sword48 Chapter 48 The Sorcerer and the Dark Mob's Army Attacking the Front Gate of the East49 Chapter 49 The Power of the Sun Breathing Swordsman and Shin50 Chapter 50 The New Decisions of the Heads and the Underground Tunnels51 Chapter 51 The End (Swordsman's Era)