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Unexpected Marriage.

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1084    |    Released on: 11/03/2022

g behind the bushes made her frightened so much. Plus the growling w

scared too

with that thing behind the bushes. Her hands even felt so cold and they wer

ook first," I suggested her with

." This time, her voice sounded soften, more to the sound of an ang

her along with a smile which I

steps towards the bushes without making any noise,

y came out from the bushes along with a growl. His red eyes we

Kaytlyn sho

le taking a precaution step towards the fox. I ne

injured. That’s why he be

o calm him down. "I won'

was something between us, like a bond or something. He seemed to be li

ually tam

mething like a thorn stuck on his foot. “What happened to you?” I whispered to him while rub

called for th


till sca

er scare face, "Come here, h

s her hea

ngue, "Come h



oor and slowly walked closer to me and t

ly gave her a compliment a

d I just

anything, instead just gave me her beautiful

ke up Ja

with Amelia, do

, "Oh my God,

and we need

didn't bri

y duffel bag from her and my hands slightly touched her hands

id while taking out

r eyes widened as saw a sma

en met again, and I was sure my cheeks st

again? What's h

ice snapped me ou

yes, th

t hands accidentally touched my hand

it pounds so hard. I nev

ayden?" She aske

hile avoiding h

just helped her pick the bandage and ointment from her small bag. She really did good job th

th a smile after done t

he medical skill, but I wonder why she c

You'll be fine, boy." And the fox seemed like he was happy

ubbing the fox too, and sometimes our

why I keep stuttering

rfect skin was exposed with the sunlight and he

ust think she

eart beat faster as she pouted her lips while looking at me with those

...what's really

d her head a bit. "Wh

en stood back on my feet. “No....no...I-I just

smiled back while r

at first. But why she changed all of sudden? Is thi

aiting for my answer with her puppy look

d looked at her then back to the t

l as if he was understa

he squealed in happines

ly cute just li

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