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Lucifer's Pet.

Chapter 4 Hell.

Word Count: 875    |    Released on: 04/03/2022

a P

ask since he alre

must be joking this can't be, he must have ju

of hell is a cold-hearted monster, not some

I took it and walked with him outside the room now, people, no demons were everywhere. Their horns were out, some fallen ange

llowed me to look outside, and there I saw the red

ucifer says, but why am I with Lucifer if I'm

again not believing th

want to go down anymore, it felt like it took us forever. Lucifer must have noticed my tiredness, he picked me up like yo

and he knocked on this giant wooden door, the door opened on its own, we walked in and I was shocked with the coldness, it was freezing, ev

ful for his hold on me now, tha

depending on how bad they are before being sent to their cells. You aren't dead,

ing me, when we made it there, I tried to slip out of his hand but he still wouldn't let go, just ho

d on this floor only, no going out or anywhere else without ask

onfused, aren't I supposed

says in a firm voice, but I'

believing this guy, even if he's the k

ablish that I own you?" he says

second you were born," he says

ng me and it's driving me crazy now. He did let me go, making me stand in front o

ns in a very calm voice, which scared me even more tha

he raises a brow at me but I didn't care,

in a threatening voice, but

ging me with him, toward the same room we started with, he sa

ignores my screams, the first slap landed was painful,

p...stop" I beg w

for another a few minutes and finally stopping but he kept me down on

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