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Quest for love

Quest for love

Author: Affiong

Chapter 1 The surprise

Word Count: 1142    |    Released on: 23/02/2022

th, she needed to find out if she was barren, as that’s what all the hospitals she visited said. She was at the hospital but her doctor didn't get around, due to some untold reasons s

omeone else's child, she knew she had to keep suggestions as such far from them. She left the hospital all disappointed and contacted her friend Caitlyn who wasn't leaving far away from the hospital. She arrived home all tired and desperate, “I guess the results are still the same as previously?” “Yes!” Mariah said gently. “So what did you have to tell me that you couldn't say over the phone?” Caitlyn got worried when Mariah needed to know why she called on her. Seeing her in that state, she could not reveal to her that she met her husband and her half-sister at the hotel spending some quality time together, she had to lie so she could keep a joyful face. “Hey you know I'm the funny type, I called because I wanted to see you and I knew expressing myself in that tone was going to make you pass by.” “Okay if you say so, cause I was afraid,” Mariah mumbled. It hurt Caitlyn lying to Mariah but for the sake of peace and her tranquility, she had no other choice than to tell her a lie. Telling her Neil was cheating on her with Khloe after receiving bad news was going to depress her more. “So tell me, is your husband in the city?” “No, he traveled four days ago for some business reasons and will be back only tomorrow, I don't know how I'm going to inform him that the results are negative,” Mariah cried out. “So Neil lied to his wife saying he was on a business trip whereas he is in the city with Khloe, men are cruel,” Caitlyn murmured to herself. “What did you say?” Mariah asked as she didn't get what Caitlyn said. “Nothing, don't mind, but I have this question. What if one morning you realize that Neil has been cheating on you with someone really close to you, what will be your reaction?” Caitlyn asked while looking straight into her eyes, waiting to listen to her answer. “Oops! Neil can't cheat on me, besides I don't think he will imagine having a

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