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To Love a Mermaid

Chapter 6 You will be leaving for earth

Word Count: 1450    |    Released on: 26/01/2022


ace is just so comfortable and beautiful. I don't have

an say this room is way bigger and more b

t really know how to make use of these legs an

. I have to move each one at intervals but it's differen

ven know how to use it. The only thing I know about it is

servants on earth too because I ca

are too strange for me. I got down f

to describe it. I also saw a tap there. I know it's a tap because I'

came gushing out of it. I moved back a little a

f my dress. In the mermaid world, I just have to go to

y body before taking a soap I saw there. When I

there. One of the cars was automa

employ maids? I sighed tiredly. Then as if

y at the gate but I wasn't thinking straigh

car and walked calmly toward

d standing up the moment I

am? Well, that's not why I'm h

aidservants, can you take me to where I can

angely for a while

othes but as for where you can get maidservants, I don

t up a notice board outside req

he said but I took note of

t take me to

instead of the automatic one

the mall and I made sure to buy

ome. He helped me with the notice

ants and I also need to employ someone that


to sell my pearls. Not too long after, I came across a

I know some things about ea

the queen of the kingdom, I h

is also on earth and the second reason is

where they sell laptop and phone. I bought the

the mansion using the GPS on my phone. Thank goodness

nt in and took my bath changing into the dress I too

was manual. I will make use of the automatic for no

incess is. Although I haven't seen her bef

if my calculation is right. I locked

ain a lot of my strength but I'm


care of my hair when a guard came to

s hour? She knows this is the

efore standing up an

me mother" I s

n. If you want to be the next queen of this kingdom, then you

be the next queen of

rrow. We all know Ae Ri is on earth

f a princess unless someone tells her or she wears he

o the school she is. I will help you find

come her close friend. When you're sure she

I can see her face at least once before we feed

e always wanted to go to ear

u get there. I can only find out the school she atte

handle it" I said and was abou

Your Highness, but we still can't

get about her" mom

hing for mom?" I a

he daughter of the late

m, I kn

ago, I don't really care if something

. I will be in my room preparing for my jo

row? I'm so happy, I'm like the h

hought about many things I will

opportunity and I plan



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