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My Irresistible Step Brother

Chapter 2 My soon to be step brother

Word Count: 940    |    Released on: 09/12/2021

asy and hearing him say that , l scrunched up my face shocked by his repulsive and annoying attitude... Honestly he was so blooming hot

ting my index finger at him... '' I have more important things to do than waste my time With fools like you '' ,

'' , left alone , l scoffed before l made my way to my car... I was seriously angry , the bastard

..........'' , My mom immediately trailed off in mid sentence the moment she took in my appearance... '' What the blooming hell has happened to you A

before l ran my fingers through my sticky hair.. ''.That is really sad to hear '' , My mom shook her head as she murmured.. '' Arina you look... .. .. . ... ''

ing that my response might have pissed off my mother , l added quickly and when she just nodded her head , l instantly ran u

st of the front door i'mmediately made me to trail off in mid sentence and as soon as I turned on my heels to

as if it was his... '' What the blooming hell is he doing in this house ? '' , l asked myself inwardly with my mouth open... '' Iam glad that you still around Arina , th

t before traveling all the way from England to Los Angeles , Mr Eric had informed me and my mother that he had a son the thing which l was fine with but at this time knowing that the man who was staring at m

ot in order to stay away from the tem

without even respecting my mother.. '' Travis ! Be nice '' , Mr Eric yelled out but then it was useless because Travis was already a grown u


dly before l ran up straight to the bathroom . . . I honestly


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