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Saved by the Billionaire

Chapter 5 Dangerous City

Word Count: 1932    |    Released on: 26/11/2021

ly, rubbed my eyes and looked around me. Four men were standing beside th

me." said the one who

ked gold from where I was sitting. "We messed up? No, you were the o

all of us." a shor

d the gun he was holding and shot the hoodied man in the head. I co

oked in my direction when they he

uldn't not when the man was holding a gun in his hand

fear as the men

looking at the

see that." one of them

I was afraid to lift my head to see the fac

before I lifted it for y

t see their faces because there wasn't any light shinning. That was one of the reasons I chose this spot

ou doing out here all alone?" he asked. It seemed as if he was the one doin

meless." They weren't any other an

hear the slight amusement in his voice, and it


g back at the dead body that laid only meters awa

hing. I was sleeping, and I heard the g

ave to kill you." he looked down at

ands, "Please no. I'm begging yo

asked wit

ll leave New York tonight please don't kill me." My eyes were burning, and my chest felt heavy as if it were filled with stones. I could no longer see clearly. All I know and could

he asked, still loo

'm too young to die' but am I? People die at birth, some persons don't make it past 10, and I

leeping in a c

d me out because

shivered as his words; my heart was beating so f

head as he did with the man in the hoody. It see

losed. But it was no use; he pushed the hammer down. Bef

hed. "If Don Giovanni hears about this, he will

s because the Don is a romantic fool. She saw me kill him.

be today and not by our hands. She's homeless

We can't afford to have the Don beating us up on two t

ou're one lucky girl. If it were up to me, you'd be dead already." he turned and looked at the dead man laying on the ground, "

bag and placed it over his shoulder

ast look before walking

t, I fell on the grass and poured out re

further and further away from the park, I couldn't help thinking about the number of ways my story could have ended. I couldn't stop the tears from falling as

at if the same thing happened but with different results. I couldn't risk

re feet. I had to find somewhere to sleep. I looked around me tryi


He lived on Main Street. I rubbed my hands at my temples and trie

nute. It wasn't too late, yet I couldn't get fear out of my mind. I kept replaying the incident over and over in my mind, and I couldn't stop the tears or the heavy breathing. Ne

deep breath. The tears were still falling from my face but not as rapidly as they were a few hours ago. I opened my eyes at t

. Uvaldo lived at 150 Main Street north. I slowly push my self off the ground and started to walk to the

complex and started walking towards the lobby door. A million thoughts running through my head. What i

d up to him, "Goodnight. I'm here to see Uvaldo Dakoda. I don't rem

om head to toe and frowned. "I'm not autho

him Jakoby is here to see him." I persisted

s not expect

eed to see him. Please." I begged for the thousandth time today. In the morning I begg

eggar I'

g to have to as

him. I can't go back out there." There was no way I could put my life, and my baby's in dange

ed ignoring the fact that I was a pregnant teen who had

" I tried it again. There must be some emotional bone in

is instance." I could see that he was getting angry by the second, but

ed my head, and my eyes met Mr

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