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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1208    |    Released on: 23/11/2021

mily, she just gets angry every time. She tried to send all kinds

en have some side off springs, this would have made it easier for her. As lo

ound of the person her son choses. As long as

r he was seeing anyone or not. He has numerous villas outside but as

rew some enemy over? Anything related to those two didn’t catch her interest but when her son came and sat by her side, grabbe

d known her son for thirty-five years laughed so hard. How can she

like this already. I already accep

ing with women. She used to receive reports on all the woman her son spent

irmly which made Aminah to take her son serious. Her face quickl

o murder him. How can he blackmail a seventeen-year-old to marry him? Even th

She is still young after all. Will you be able t

eighteen yet. She still has a lot of things awaiting her. What if she de

y be still seventeen but as long as we receive the consent of the parents then you ca

nteen or fifty? As long as her s

e feels the same way for me. How about we let the families meet for dinner so that

en she will just go along with what he was saying. There was less than

aring,” Aminah said and l

irst and the rest of the family to spread this good news. As a result, a meeting was held on

ew he had worried her a lot but he was someone who didn’t w

nts. Despite the families refusing their marriage, his fathe

the same for himself. As someone who was in the patriarchal seat, he

for the little girl. Her age made him feel aggrieved, he was truly old but since sh


ty third tier cities. As for towns and villages, it cannot be counted but one thing for sure is

was ruled by a monarch and the people also has the ab

ery long time and some of these families now lives in seclusion. Unless the kingdom is at the st

milies and among them is the Chavez family. This family had been a merchant family for more

ouldn’t be reckoned with. Even though the Chavez didn’t live in the capital

mizing their profits on everything they do however when i

a marriage that she didn’t desire, being forced to abandon her lover eve

nflict with the overall wellbeing of the clan. Being the richest family in the city and also among

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