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My Husband’s Concubine

Chapter 3 03

Word Count: 1435    |    Released on: 28/10/2021

he had stood for over 6minutes thinking of what dress she could pick for her conc

It was a see-through, off shoulder dress her ex, Steve, gifted her on her last birthday. They had only dated for 3months when Kati

ou on tonight anyways”.she

ed it in her red bag, that was the only bag she had gotten for parties or events that didn’

prom night or what so ever she always felt I attended in high school, s

concert including her music book, her wish list and her c

ot even got any h

on her bed, squatted clo

strapped heels Mum got for you last summer? Didn’t even realize I had

them, they are just beside the stair

t even realized, she had said something

ou been uhm, like sneaking out at night or something? Because yo

rgot to, uhm…. Get..

”. Katie said, holding he

night dates with Jeon. But I just couldn’t tell anyone

so much of a nerd, and I got no feelings”. Karen said, calmly

omeone had just found out, and it was more embarrassing for her because it was Katie, she wasn’t ready for he

oment when Katie shouted while ho

om College, who always sent you text messages in fo

ing here to ask what’ sup with you shouting? Don’t do this right now. To be honest, this is why I

aving this with you. Why don’t you just get the heels and leave

ly. Huhn, what now? Our nerd’s now having nights out with some sick Chinese dude who’s not even got a

finds out you rolling with a Chinese nerd. she’s probably gon be disap

t week, when we had family dinner with Granny, you remember that d

robably too excited about Annie’s show today tha

just some sick rumors from the school press. His Dad is fucking wealthy, you kno

friend. Her first love!. She really wasn’t gon let anyone

late already, I gotta see Annie’s magnificent entry,

ate nights without telling your fucking big sis. You got nerves

promised to tell each other everything and I failed In this even though I tried, but hey I am sorry, I really am.. And I wou

an hour’s time and I really hope the trains are still out, or else, I am de

ice I have been out, for some concert she probably hates so much and I promis

clearly not having it. She shook her h

20 more wishes, you are really si

u should try getting back pretty early so even if Ma’s gonna scold you or shout at you, she wouldn’t be

bly wouldn’t be sneaking out for a concert, she had probably talk to Mum for me. Phew! She signe

s, a big kiss, or you only give kisses to Chinese B

st like get-out? I mean you been dying everly for this concert, and now it’s here and you had

e shouted, throwing some kisses to Katie, from

aving to her, while heading to

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