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The Billionare and I (Just A Nanny)

Chapter 2 Be A

Word Count: 2036    |    Released on: 24/10/2021

as a good feeling of something new, Dolly was wriging her tail besi

ice night" Irish said as Dolly only str

efully it's going to be successful. She made her way into the kitchen and prepared some

rough the food, Irish sat up and Drew her Laptop new as

knew the one she's looking for, "Ethan with a dau

arlow" Wa

standby desk and focus on th

s daughter was 1 year old, His wife had made away with another man on their da

the past five years after the inci

ay but needs a Nanny to watc

they're all die hard fan of Ethan. Probably they are applying

She's no match to those competitives. But she was de

ailure, She cleared the plates off the table and arrange


ladies waiting to be interviewed. She felt goose bumps all over her, Every

eemed jovial unlike other ladies with mean face. Probably hating eachother for being in a competition of who gets to be Ethan daughter's nanny. The

e popular Billionare? I laughed at myself. He must have been a quiet type. I didn't get his p

e interview?" The gi

I am". Iri

sed someone actua

" The lady stretched o

She took Selina's hand and shak

I was forced to apply. I'm a fashion desig

e card and stared


lack worked over to her as s

m, W

wers will like

name is 205 and they're still

go." Selina

nd bag and was led out of the by

her , how come she

ust ar

uys pick up a lady

on times that she wished she could squeeze lif

The guy brought he


ad instructed her, she meet the interviewers

ou doing here?" She f

kindly fill in you information,

as she was excited she was also curious to kno

~ Iris

t 87 Cobittain Bui


son Levine - For ex

Fashion Designer f


EE ~

fashions and ex Model

wing , Cooki


ere done reading her file, They both looked

Ms.Irish, You pas

ah smiled at her and she knew that it was Sarah's doing. There's no w

to your work place and share you the necess

Sarah and Irish was the last to exist the office as t

ow come you're one of interviewers? I though

rah told her as t

urious , can

information but I have to, because it's you". Sar

one, I don't want to depend on my parents money to survive. All thanks to I didn't grow up in California

honored. You mean Ethan is your

"You look more hap

d you help me

ed you alot, My brother and his daughter had gone through alot, I don't want them coming back and having a bad na

ieve in myself that I will get the job , an

arked in the garage, The driver came down down

" Irish sm

er responded. "Any other time, M

r house key to Carl, he will

starting im

, Irish"Sarah said an

g too? I have a dog, Dolly by name

ir to decide if your dog stays," Carl coll

Sarah go through,. Everything was new to her as s

millionaire. What do you ex

ickly dismissed the maids i

ed to your job by my brother when he's back in two days time. You

tered as she tra

no one else has the right to dine there expect bein

ointed to a door as they walked past it

t want any sort of distra


oom" She opened a

s painted pink I'm colour, every thing

ily but she hated California... She may place her rule for you" Sarah la

re two other doors inside the roo

. I can also lead into the Nanny's room which should be your room,

room" They both walked out a

ffled with the beauty of the room. What does

back. Your closet needs to be changed too, As Ethan won't tolera

he mo

irectly to Arin's room so you can

d Arin will be back in two days time so I'm sure by the

so much Sara

ort of support" Sarah drop

as she started round the room.

a bath was all she needed as the bathro

d door and Sarah was right, it will be

er Ethan will just be as sweet as Sarah.

and went into the showe

ates. She's grateful that she didn't give up and she promised to dedicate h

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1 Chapter 1 Failed Interviews - Depressed2 Chapter 2 Be A 3 Chapter 3 MS Gabrielle4 Chapter 4 Meeting her Nanny5 Chapter 5 His Ex Wife6 Chapter 6 First Day7 Chapter 7 He lied8 Chapter 8 Stop Her! He lied9 Chapter 9 Her father Debt10 Chapter 10 He ignores her!11 Chapter 11 Misunderstanding!12 Chapter 12 The Scared Room!13 Chapter 13 The ghost in Arin's room!14 Chapter 14 Just the tree branch15 Chapter 15 The stranger16 Chapter 16 Getting Shot!17 Chapter 17 The new guard18 Chapter 18 Arusha !19 Chapter 19 Try seducing Ethan!20 Chapter 20 Push To The Water.21 Chapter 21 What are you doing here Javad 22 Chapter 22 The shooter23 Chapter 23 Call me Ethan not Mr!24 Chapter 24 The awaited guests25 Chapter 25 Talk of the devil26 Chapter 26 Slippery27 Chapter 27 The fight28 Chapter 28 The dinner night *1*29 Chapter 29 The dinner night_The sharp Pierce30 Chapter 30 Threatened31 Chapter 31 The Strange Men32 Chapter 32 Supriseee! It's Yours33 Chapter 33 He paid her fees!34 Chapter 34 The Confession35 Chapter 35 Kidnapped36 Chapter 36 Catherine's Visit37 Chapter 37 Sizzling Kiss38 Chapter 38 Ethan Harlow is here39 Chapter 39 The anonymous40 Chapter 40 Summon all the Male Workers41 Chapter 41 Getting him to a new school42 Chapter 42 She confessed Too43 Chapter 43 Hanging out with Ethan 44 Chapter 44 Jessica is a bad A*s45 Chapter 45 Olivia46 Chapter 46 Let the best girl Win47 Chapter 47 Mrs Harlow48 Chapter 48 She reported them out of jealousy49 Chapter 49 Making her a 50 Chapter 50 Javad spilled it all51 Chapter 51 Embarrassed52 Chapter 52 They all left her53 Chapter 53 Mr Harlow54 Chapter 54 The new girl-Jessica55 Chapter 55 Irish is pregnant56 Chapter 56 He left her, on the rain 57 Chapter 57 Is there a spy 58 Chapter 58 She's bleeding!59 Chapter 59 The hang out60 Chapter 60 She left her for Morgan!61 Chapter 61 Her Revange62 Chapter 62 All a plan 63 Chapter 63 Stay with Morgan, will you 64 Chapter 64 Carrle's neckless65 Chapter 65 Joining in the plan66 Chapter 66 She got Caught67 Chapter 67 Something Suspicious68 Chapter 68 He wants the contract too69 Chapter 69 Her new plan70 Chapter 70 Choosing who she loves71 Chapter 71 Successful Arrest 72 Chapter 72 The wedding reunion73 Chapter 73 Epilogue