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Chapter 3 Library and Night market

Word Count: 1366    |    Released on: 27/09/2021

noble daughter who got seduced and tricked by a blonde, pretty dude ultimately killing and destroying herself and he


kill the first princess now, right? I mean

ous. After her death, along with regressing Eden’s subco

we are one of the four Marquess of the Empire, we are the weakest of them all

e royal family, the Dukedom and the four Marquess. The

ily in terms of

er. He even has the full support of all soldiers. If that kid wanted to, he could have

lesome world did yo

you would travel w

t’s a good thing you

ou would be long dead to me?”

st let me sle

rayal faced by her family and herself. But even if she knew about the future, she never knew about why and for what purpose did all o


shitty books about history, magic, economics and even herbology, yet noth

ion and power she had, she dedicated herself to improving her knowledge

p from her seat and da

r startled Eva, who was stand


I need to meet him,” he ak

ould be at his office

ce go

loor into his office


?, what

t, can I visit th

ng acting all cute and

k to cuteness, especi

a 14-year-old’s body is tormenting, b

’t… run” said Eva w

works wonderfully. I can now outrun a full

potion that I selected for you fr

d, woul

at Eden with a

ks in our library,


ry w

. I finished

half a month. Please don’t lie t

am joking or lying?” sh

ed at her s

how immature and wrong I used to be, causing all kinds of troubles for you and the rest and I sincerely apologise. W

r pocket and took out a handk

ow you had a ta

s in front of their father. It’s extremely easy

precious daughter. We love you no matter. So please don’t cr

” she bowed pol

this. As if puberty hit her all at once, including common sense. Well, at least she

uous dress, Eden, accompanied by Ev

s advanced so much?. With this kind of half-assed medical and technological knowledge, I really wonder how they advanced in a field as complex as magicolog

search is by far inferior to a c

time, it’s real

racticed martia

de their way to

been?. she asked as

side for almost 6 hour

did I even

call a c

ld like to experienc

d sometimes filled with shady

od for once, and it’s not like anything would hap


ght market. Lit with colourful lights, the noise of excited people su

ch a place in real life.” she c

talls filled with wond

e five skew

before dinner,” said

irl, don’


s twin dagger is perfect for me, it’s well balan

I made the blade from bla

cool. I will bu

an might be a


black ore. They would never come to a night

ne in my life. How could you sland

r, Eden, but someone is fol

t it too, bu

they are a

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