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Broken With My Mother In Law

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1085    |    Released on: 28/08/2021


I look at his eyes, to his nose, down to his lips then

ll nag at me." I explained. Even though I don't want to leave yet and want

ll." He said as he looked guilty but he should not be. We

saw him, going back to their table.

at their table, trying to find

l." I leaned halfway in search of Donald when Caroline came

hing her sit there, I stood up

of that man." She said, poin

on't understand what

Donald is gay."

crazy things this woman said. I

ch one is suffering. They will get married in Maui next Christmas." I looked at Donald and Enoc

it?" How can that

a firm look, which made me feel

anded me a sip of

ieve it, and even wanted to find a chance to prove it, but when I saw Donald

ed to their cheerful slapstick. Th

ery accurate. Is he really gay? Why can't I even see it? I took a doubt

myself. As far as I know, he was so dreamy and manlike that it was impossible that he would be one. On the other

, what proof do I have? I am getting tired because of thinking too much. Maybe I should take

t became quiet after since the

ally gay? Well, there's a lot of people nowadays that you will not notice that they are different. B

bed and went to the bathroom. I need to d

t using soap then rinse it with water. After I am

that it was already late so I tu


always. The sun was always dazzling. I went

like if I am contented in life? I mean, I am contented with what I have now. What I meant was

to worry about work, or money or pe

h the dogs, and my body was splashed with water stains. What a day. So

see us a little wet so she hurried u

r there so I will just go home immediat

ed my sore feet. "You're back, great, I'm exhausted." D

asked. He was not able to a

Please leave a messa

post office." D

ld Field." The voice

Dylan, pointing to the phon

met at a party that night." Dylan got up

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