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Civilian Dragon Lord

Chapter 3 Durres

Word Count: 1983    |    Released on: 25/08/2021

l hoverbike was next to them. As the rider neared the port city of Durres, feelings of rightness began to settle on him. It had been 15 years since he first left Durres. Back

is home?’ said a telepa

ome once more. It will take some work, but I th

bout it, but it gives me the creeps. There is

ll just have to clean up the town. It will be a

oticed by the Devos family. They will likely send someo

are worthless now! That son of theirs, Conner, skirted battle thanks to me. For now, we ignore them. However, i

him paranoid. Andrew considered his caution a skill more people should hone. After all, his

t they expected to see such as the fact it was a hoverbike, instead of a normal motorcycle. His bike was the custom prototype product o

rk and found a secluded bench to sit at. From here he could see anyone that approached a long way off.

ck. Situation upd

and but with you here, it should fall into place quickly. I have people in place to assist you with anything you need. But sir,

who served under the supreme god of war. Andrew knew Jackson’s strengths lent themselves to the subtle behind-the-scenes moves more than being flamboyant in business. After all, he was the team's sniper and was used to blending into the backdrop. However, Andrew had hoped for a bit more of his plans to have been established by the time he decided to “retire” to

ning on relaxing from war for a few years here in Durres, naturally

just a prebuild, with no current owner. It is still in the initial build phase. I have already contacted the company manager and she is prepared to sign over the

You know my specs, have a crew ready to renovate by tomorrow” s

up from his phone to see a group of men

over to him as if they expected him to turn t

from the Devos family

fearing some sort of police action was underway. Several even tried

ing detection. The lead suit turned onto the walkway with Andrew's bench only feet away and froze, startled. Andrew was just sitting nonchala

os family master wants you to come back to Vro

r me? I have nothing to do with the Devos family. O

would not have allowed mediocracy into her inner circle beyond that connection, they were unsure. Yet, he radiated a sense of power that made them all quake. They were not even sure exactly where he might fall in the chain of command for the army. On paper, they believed he was the son-in-law of their master, so that status

cting a summons from the Devos family, one of the most powerful lord governor

like you to come to Vroengard,

“Does he think he can order me around? From this day forwar

ed slander against their master. However, if the intel was correct, Andrew was the member of the Wyvern order, a powerf

e is the marriage contract, and the family wonders if you are willing to release

on’t even know you are the Supreme god of war, or else I bet they would be begging for the

on her own. I honestly have no knowledge of her or any interest in an arranged marriage. As for the Devos family, afte

so bad to move on in life, she can bring the paperwork herself. Anyone else from the Devos family is considered an enemy in my eyes.” Andrew said. He had no interest in this

up to

I find in my city is dead! Durres is mine now.” Andrew paused in his str

a clenched fist and was visibly nervous. He finally let out a slow shaky breath as Andrew walked away, his back

d climbed back on his bike. With a flick of two buttons,

en City to those of the Devos family. Only the girl may come, if she dares. Let her beg for release. Devos,

te transfer should be finished within the hour, I am sendi

see where the day takes us. Send me the

red into the city he h

m b

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1 Chapter 1 Seat of the High King of Dragard2 Chapter 2 Plane ride with Anika3 Chapter 3 Durres4 Chapter 4 Eisen Family5 Chapter 5 Are you sure you know how that works 6 Chapter 6 Jailbreak7 Chapter 7 Dragon Corp8 Chapter 8 Arya Croft9 Chapter 9 blind dates10 Chapter 10 The good Doctor11 Chapter 11 awaken from treatment12 Chapter 12 new recruits13 Chapter 13 Dreams14 Chapter 14 living up to the God of War15 Chapter 15 bank visits16 Chapter 16 Who owes Who 17 Chapter 17 Lord Reva18 Chapter 18 can I visit 19 Chapter 19 Earn your Keep, Earn a visit from the Goddess20 Chapter 20 Where can I find him 21 Chapter 21 Training22 Chapter 22 Plots and Schemes23 Chapter 23 Keep up if you can.24 Chapter 24 Shopping malls25 Chapter 25 Notes26 Chapter 26 Steam27 Chapter 27 Invoke the dragon's wrath28 Chapter 28 you messed with the dragon29 Chapter 29 Food Please30 Chapter 30 Keira 31 Chapter 31 Parting32 Chapter 32 Dragon THUNDER33 Chapter 33 Car shopping34 Chapter 34 Meeting with the cousin35 Chapter 35 Forward base, Verril36 Chapter 36 on alert37 Chapter 37 Dont leave me behind!38 Chapter 38 RETREAT39 Chapter 39 return to Verril40 Chapter 40 Dragon corp41 Chapter 41 Not all about profit42 Chapter 42 Alexa missing already 43 Chapter 43 Cleanse on epic level44 Chapter 44 Level two training45 Chapter 45 Trouble at the site46 Chapter 46 Facing a God of War47 Chapter 47 Training for the real world48 Chapter 48 a night out for a change of pace49 Chapter 49 Training Alexa50 Chapter 50 Alexa, Alpha51 Chapter 51 schemes52 Chapter 52 Fired!53 Chapter 53 Return my people54 Chapter 54 wolf pack55 Chapter 55 secrets revealed56 Chapter 56 Dresh's reply57 Chapter 57 Melissa Zolan58 Chapter 58 Celeana DeVos59 Chapter 59 Has the dragon returned 60 Chapter 60 Lunch with a soon to be EX61 Chapter 61 God of war Nash62 Chapter 62 Lord Butcher is in town63 Chapter 63 Going out 64 Chapter 64 Anika to return65 Chapter 65 Odds are against us66 Chapter 66 Gods of War provoked67 Chapter 67 Andrew Landry king of thieves 68 Chapter 68 Keep Digging69 Chapter 69 Province of Ashai: next day70 Chapter 70 Conor DeVos Heir of DeVos71 Chapter 71 Goodbye is only until next time.72 Chapter 72 Real war training73 Chapter 73 think outside the box74 Chapter 74 A trip to Port Mani75 Chapter 75 New Opportunities76 Chapter 76 A call to Nash77 Chapter 77 Miss me already 78 Chapter 78 plots and plans79 Chapter 79 Gold Dragon80 Chapter 80 port Mani81 Chapter 81 Anika seeks new blood82 Chapter 82 Proving grounds83 Chapter 83 William and Kelan84 Chapter 84 The Dragon Fights85 Chapter 85 Dragon THUNDER86 Chapter 86 Dreams