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Damon's Possession

Damon's Possession

Author: Mochi kook

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 525    |    Released on: 13/08/2021


u want to

but a threat. A demonic threat asking for her

ing at her with threatening but mad gaze clearly indicating her to say


sister interrupted her with an angry tone

hole. How dare you to make her call

ck got caught with a large hand. His neck turned facing the cause of ev

when she witnesses his veiny

he hell. Lea

ip but only end up getting caught by Damon's men. Luc

t do anything but once Damon wants someth

ning his grip on her neck. She tried to push him. She did ev

ou. Leave her. Pleas

still glaring at

want to lea

poor soul in his hands. Luciana shook her head and

ven think of leaving me.

o get pale. The struggling Ryan's eyes started to get teary

legs and begged him whi

do whatever you say.. please I beg you leave her

he beast and he immediately left the badly coughing girl who fel

t kiss on her forehead which didn't fail to scare the poor soul. He securely wrapped his

r only min

soul. A living demon can do more than


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